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Everything posted by GboroRam

  1. We fostered two sisters. Oldest came to us aged about 6 months, and her sister was born a little after 6 months later. She came to us aged about 7 hours. Seeing them leave to their adoptive family broke my wife, and it was emotionally bad for me too. Babies are great, but I won't do it again. It was so painful. Those who can do it are a special breed, and I give you my full respect.
  2. The start is worse than the ongoing, to be fair. Form F takes quite a bit out of you, it's very personal and digs deep into your private life. Some of the personal stuff you've shared here with us will be explored in depth. The initial training is quite a lot squeezed into a short space of time. But, once the form F is done, you don't need to return to it. The training becomes a refresher course every three years. The contact invariably drops, as parents become unreliable, or face up to the reality of their situation. It gets better. If possible, consider making space for another bedroom, convert any big enough room and take an extra child. The income will help. Use any available ways to claim extra money - DLA if the child has any disabilities. Claim your mileage back. Speak to your SSW, ours will pay you back for one activity per week as long as you pay for one. Our boys do football and tae kwon do. You could do swimming, dance classes, rugby, Scouts - it gives them routines burns energy, and gives you a topic to write about in the interminable reports we're expected to write. Other than that, just keep going. Watch yourself and cover your back. The worst thing you can have happen is an allegation. You won't be told any details, and you can be put through hell. It's brutal at times. Would I recommend it? Honestly, no, not at the minute. But I'm not in a great place myself, but I'll keep going and things will pick up. I think you're in the toughest position right now, and in a few months you'll find it a lot easier.
  3. AI learns from the Internet. The Internet hates Musk. No surprises there. I think it's funnier that he bought twitter to fight against the woke mind virus, and his AI turns out to be woke.
  4. I think there's a lucrative future in appealing to bigotry. He may just be calculating that he can make money this way. If he's naturally a bit of a bigot anyway, it's even easier.
  5. I'm sure it's a very good article, but the dumpster fire that is xitter won't open for me.
  6. I'm not sure there's really much need to bribe anyone to get out. It's an open border between Ukraine and Poland. I know if the military or the police catch serving age men leaving you'll be in trouble, but I think plenty of people just walked out. Not saying it's not true, as I guarantee there's people profiteering from the situation.
  7. I was thinking something similar. I think we justify the killing of the enemy because we held the belief that they were on the "right" side of the moral argument. It's easier to defend killing people when they represent an aggressive, expansionist nation. One that has declared territory for themselves despite widespread opposition.
  8. First Jimmy Corkhill, now this. And on the back of two very different people who died yesterday, Henry Kissinger and Sticky Vicky.
  9. Turns twitter into a business that advertisers won't condone. Realises isolating his business from the people who will fund it could kill his company. Doubles down anyway. Hmm... Genius. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-67574396 In a profanity-laced outburst, Elon Musk has slammed advertisers that have left X, warning they will kill the social media platform. "Go [expletive] yourself," the billionaire said in an interview. "I don't want them to advertise," Mr Musk said at the New York Times' DealBook Summit. "If someone is going to blackmail me with advertising or money go [expletive] yourself"
  10. If he'd killed 15,000 people, largely civilians, I'd call him a murderer.
  11. Right. So, the police shot a dog owner, and were given a suspended sentence for shooting a man? Good grammar from the Grauniad.
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