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Beware - I'm horrible person totally out of line


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I read news from one of our crappy papers on their site. The news was about a hedgehog that had been torn apart while it was alive. This had happened on the skatepark in a little town. There was a place for comments and I send a comment where I said that if I ever cought kids/youngsters doing that I would belt them on the spot and wouldn't give a rat's ass about fines I might get. My comment got censored.

I wrote another comment without any hard language and told that my first comment got censored and I thought that this is pretty sad when this old fashioned way of dealing with kids like this goes under censorship. I got censored.

If this post offense you, feel free to report it so it can be censored. I'm used to it.

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Then I wiped it and put it back in my trousers.

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I read news from one of our crappy papers on their site. The news was about a hedgehog that had been torn apart while it was alive. This had happened on the skatepark in a little town. There was a place for comments and I send a comment where I said that if I ever cought kids/youngsters doing that I would belt them on the spot and wouldn't give a rat's ass about fines I might get. My comment got censored.

I wrote another comment without any hard language and told that my first comment got censored and I thought that this is pretty sad when this old fashioned way of dealing with kids like this goes under censorship. I got censored.

If this post offense you, feel free to report it so it can be censored. I'm used to it.

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Then I wiped it and put it back in my trousers.

You filthy fookin pigdog swinehunt.
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