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Run ! Black Widow


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A VENOMOUS spider is spreading across Britain due to climate change, experts warned yesterday.

The False Widow cousin of the Black Widow carries enough poison to kill a human.

It first arrived in Devon from the Canary Islands 140 years ago.

But it has now set up colonies in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire after a series of mild winters.

Gran Lyn Mitchell, 52, fell into a coma after being bitten as she slept at home in Egremont, Cumbria, in January.

Joanne West, 32, was temporarily paralysed by a False Widow on her bed three months later in Fareham, Hants.

The purple and black creature looks similar to a Black Widow, but has a smaller body the size of a 1p piece.

Matt Shardlow, director of charity Buglife, said: They may also have evolved to cope with the colder weather.

NO I hate normal spiders never mind these

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No no no no no! I seriously can't be doing with spiders at all. I detest them, especially those big black ones. This one won't be suspected as it's only small.

Spiders are evil. They come out at night, they are great at hiding, fast like Ninjas and they watch you sleep. They lay their eggs in your hair, nose, mouth. Foul.

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:eek: I shall have nightmares now !

The possibility of you swallowing spiders or other bugs in your sleep completely depends on whether or not you open your mouth when you sleep.

The people who do manage to keep their mouths closed when they sleep, have a less chance for any bug to enter their mouths. For the people who do gape their mouth open when they sleep, I’m sorry to tell you this but, the chances are, you have already swallowed a couple of spiders. You swallow an average of 2 spiders per year. This is because spiders tend to find dark and damp places to hide, and your mouth is one of these places.

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Originally posted by David;15528

My missus was freaked when she read this the other day until she realised her mouth never opens whilst in bed and she certainly does not swallow.

haha thats brilliant, to be fair i am at work right now and its crap, had to kick one person out and clean up sick! woo i have the best job ever!

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  • 3 years later...

Where do people get their statistics from? Whose job is it to sit in a room watching someone sleep for a year recording Tegenaria mortality rates via human ingestion? Swallowing spiders is up there with the tallest of tall old wives' tales. I remember this making a top 100 bulls**t list in some journal a few years ago. Just have to google it and you see why things like this become "fact".

Pretty much all spiders are venemous, only a few aren't. You can get a nasty bite of a house or cellar spider. Bites are quite rare anyway as most spiders run a mile or curl up when a large mammal, be it sleeping or not, is in their vicinity...

Had a beast of a giant house spider in my spare room the other day, beasty fangs on it, right beauty. Haven't seen it knocking about since...

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Not kidding, I woke up after feeling something on me cheek a few years ago now, after I'd brushed it off, my head went to the side and there was a humongous brown spider running up past the side of me head. I nearly passed out and I'm as certain as I could be that it was that what was on me cheek.

Would it have gone in me mouth? I bloody well hope not, cos if I'd have woke up and choked on it, I think I'd have died with shock. I made Dav wake up and get rid of it.

I was terrified of the things before, that just made me worse. If I see one (and Dav's not about) I drop the biggest hardback book I can find on it and squash it properly. If they are more scared of me, why don't they keep out of my way?

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