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3200 free tickets to watch England train


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Next friday England will be training in Hutnik Nowa Huta stadium , anyway they allocated 3200 tickets for free for the public to go and watch them, i got 2 tickets a few weeks ago due to my company is sponsoring the marketing of the euros here in Poland, the 3200 were to be collected this morning on a first come first serve basis, my wife went down to get some for her family , when she got there there was minimum 10,000 people waiting for the doors to open and about 10 police officers , she phoned me telling me she was in the middle of the people and couldnt get out, fights were breaking out people were getting pushed against walls, she saw 3 people being carried away who had passed out, she saw 1 lad coming out with his tickets only to get the punched and robbed of the tickets, absolute madness, absoulte disgrace , no control what so ever, im not going to the training now next week , feck it , its not worth it, my wife managed to get out, she was scared and when she walking away , 2 blocks away there were about 30 police just watching. she only went because the place with the tickets is right next to the University she teaches at otherwise i would have gone

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It's not surprising people are put off going if the police are seen to be doing nothing. Why didn't they get it sorted?

Hope your missis is ok ramexpat.

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It's not surprising people are put off going if the police are seen to be doing nothing. Why didn't they get it sorted?

Hope your missis is ok ramexpat.

Shes fine thanks ladyram , pictures of the scenes this morning have just been published , try and spot 1 policeman controlling the crowds, there just sat there van , http://www.rmf24.pl/raport-euro2012/nie-tylko-sport/zdjecie,iId,685202,iSort,5,iTime,1
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Mmm, not a copper to be seen.

Metal queue fences would have worked far better, like they use over here for large numbers. That and proper police supervision. Not surprising that some people got hurt when it started to kick off is it? The police have got to be prepared for events like this.

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