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Kick Racism out of Football .... no really


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Former Tottenham midfielder Didier Zokora, now of Trabzonspor, has taken the 'kick racism out of football' campaign somewhat literally with an astonishing foul on Fenerbahce's Emre


In a match last month between the two sides Zokora claimed that Emre, who previously had a spell at Newcastle, had abused him with a racial slur.

"Emre and I came face to face during the match," Zokora said afterwards. "I'll tell you what he said word for word. He called me: 'A dirty n*****'."

Emre was banned by the Turkish Football Disciplinary Committee for two matches, but had served his ban by the time the two teams met again on Sunday night.

The Ivorian had clearly not forgotten the incident, however, refusing to shake Emre's hand before the start of the match.

Nor had his team-mates, a couple of whom put in less-than-savoury tackles on the midfielder.

But just before the end of the first half, Zokora committed the worst challenge of the lot.

Suffice it to say that World of Sport blog winced when it watched the clip, but the referee was less concerned — the challenge, remarkably, was punished by only a yellow card.

Emre's Fenerbahce went on to win the game 3-1.

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