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How would you deal with a burglar in your house?


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A lot of this is pure conjecture from both sides of the fence. I've been burgled twice, once at the family home whilst we were on hoilday and once at a house I rented for work whilst I was back home for the weekend. I presume I was targeted or at least some homework was done as its quite ironic I wasn't present on either occasion. Nonetheless, it is absolutely devastating and its a lot more than just property being stolen. As soon as someone crosses my threshold, the safety zone for me and my family then they do so at their own risk. I have no sympathy or compassion. Fortunately most people go through life never having to be on the end of these statistics and as such find it easy to categorise actions with reference to the law whilst side-stepping and overlooking the actual (hyper) emotions one can only gain through experience. I've been in conversations with people before who have harped on about the moral wrongs of self-defense and revenge and so on and so forth but generally speaking they've lived such sheltered lives that IMO their opinion borders on worthless.

This reminded me of the the mugging thread I set up a while back. I get sick of hearing about the rights of these people when you've had first hand experience of getting mauled by similar scumbags for no reason.

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Lol. No Boycie, he was just a normal fella in jeans and t shirt who came past me on a push iron, then shouted to me from behind. There he was, straddling his bike in all his glory. Thing was, I was walking a mates dog at the time, a german shepherd of all things, but he wasn't bothered. Neither was the dog. She just sniffed the air, bored. She din't half have my foot up her arse all the way home. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/angry' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />

Push iron?

I'm sorry m'dear, I can't compute? is that Ilson for a bicycle?

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I'm not from that far away and the only push iron I've ever heard of is the one that gets the creases out of your work shirt. Might need to check that with the missus, it's more her area than mine. [size=1](i wish)[/size]

Really? Every bugger in my family calls a bike a push iron... I got it from me dad. Whereabouts you from Gboro?

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Genuine tip if you're woken, think there's someone in your house and you're the defending kind: -

Open your wardrobe, lift off the rail and chuck everything off it. They are very strong, very light and if the worst comes to worst, wouldn't be a bad defensive weapon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the laws in this country are utter bullshit, especially with the police during riots etc, they are barely allowed to protect themselves and if they do they risk being "exposed" on youtube etc and their life gets ruined. If people in those riots are throwing bricks aimed for your head, have jagged bottles and going for your throat then the police should be allowed to go for them with all they have instead they just pussy foot around it and the best they can do is just "contain" it.

As for the instance with bulgarly i own a number of air rifles+pistols and if my house was broken into by 3-4 low life scumbags i would have absolutely no hesitation in teaching them just why you dont break into good respectful people's homes and take whatever you want(though saying that i would only fire if they didnt scram when they see me).

Just my two thoughts on the subject..'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

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if its him or you....then its got to be him...also presumably you know the layout of your house in the dark...which would help...plus how many of them is there??? one would be worth a crack (could be fun and an opportune moment to be heroic)...2 maybe in the dark...3...well...err...i aint the hulk....most people only think they can fight....and usually when they are pissed...but the big question is really....what are you protecting......children, wife, dogs etc? if its just your stuff then f*ck it....not worth getting f*cked up over...something really imprtant then i suppose it'd be youre insticts that would determine what happened. but to knife someone is strange...its such close combat....i'd try to use stealth and a cricket bat..bin lid as a shield.

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A lot of this is pure conjecture from both sides of the fence. I've been burgled twice, once at the family home whilst we were on hoilday and once at a house I rented for work whilst I was back home for the weekend. I presume I was targeted or at least some homework was done as its quite ironic I wasn't present on either occasion. Nonetheless, it is absolutely devastating and its a lot more than just property being stolen. As soon as someone crosses my threshold, the safety zone for me and my family then they do so at their own risk. I have no sympathy or compassion. Fortunately most people go through life never having to be on the end of these statistics and as such find it easy to categorise actions with reference to the law whilst side-stepping and overlooking the actual (hyper) emotions one can only gain through experience. I've been in conversations with people before who have harped on about the moral wrongs of self-defense and revenge and so on and so forth but generally speaking they've lived such sheltered lives that IMO their opinion borders on worthless.

This reminded me of the the mugging thread I set up a while back. I get sick of hearing about the rights of these people when you've had first hand experience of getting mauled by similar scumbags for no reason.

Spot on. There are so many journalists writing in papers like the Guardian arguing that it isn't the burglar's fault, that the rioters were the true victims of the August riots and that criminals need rehabilitation rather than sentences.

However this all loses credibility when they have nice salaries and live in comfy suburban homes away from crime.

If they knew the experiences of people who are victims of robberies regularly they would write differently I'm sure.

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Hi de Hi campers. You may have seen it on the news, or in the papers, about the guy who stabbed an intruder in his house and killed him. I wondered what other people would do in the same situation? Would you be frozen to the spot with fear or attack them before they attacked you? Or wait for them to come at you first?

I think the law is too grey when it comes to self defence and using reasonable force. Where is the line drawn? I've never been in that position where I've confronted a burglar and hopefully will never have to. Listening to RD it seems loads of people keep a weapon of some kind next to their beds. Do any of you campers keep something like a baseball bat around, and would you have any hesitation in using it?

Apologies beforehand if anyone has been a victim of burglary, I don't want to upset anyone but it seems they are differing opinions on the rights of the burglar! Should the law take away their rights when they break in, or not? Thought I'd put it out there.

Just read on BBC News, the guy will not face charges regarding the death of the intruder. 2 men entered his house, armed with a knife, one of them was fatally stabbed, the other arrested for aggravated burglary and will stand trial in December in Manchester.

Justice done there then?

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