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Clough 2 more, sell sell sell first


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A forum isn't made for debating Alex, that's the thing (I realise this is a bit ironic)

It's simply for sharing your thoughts, people sharing theirs, and to widen your knowledge.

Not stringing out a thread for 30 pages, trying to convince someone that you, or anyone is right.

Apart from the me being a duck thing, that was just ridiculous.

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A forum isn't made for debating Alex, that's the thing (I realise this is a bit ironic)

It's simply for sharing your thoughts, people sharing theirs, and to widen your knowledge.

Not stringing out a thread for 30 pages, trying to convince someone that you, or anyone is right.

Apart from the me being a duck thing, that was just ridiculous.

Sharing and debating then, debating to widen your knowledge is exactly what I do. My opinions are pretty set in stone unless something radical changes them, but I learn from what people post about their view and things they mention in general.

The facts and figures I learned from ramblur while debating things with him are an example of that. We might have differed on things but alot of the accounting details he found were very interesting and I read them closely to understand them more.

I don't try to convince anyone anything, just put my point out there. If someone replies to it saying they think it's wrong, a debate ensues. I think that's a good thing, aslong as there's no petty name calling.

And my thought process on that was right! If you wanted to, you could do all the things a duck can, because you have the same technical abilities. It's just my thinking is so absurd sometimes that it's hard to understand from another persons viewpoint :D

So, y'know........quack.

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A forum isn't made for debating Alex.

Too right, this forum was made for banter and having a laugh, all you DET rejects have ruined it with all this debating crap. Matchday's players were rated on hair style and how good they looked in y fronts. Financial discussions by page 2 ended up guessing how many Balti pies Boycie could down in 15 minutes.

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Not being a blouse lol.

Just had enough. I am out. I have other stuff i should be doing really. If i can't post, then i can't waste time arguing lol.

I'll come back in the summer under an obvious username to say i told ya so!:D

Until then.....Come on you rams.

Shame, think you're one of the most reasoned and entertaining on here

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We don't cancel accounts but if you really want the account to be banned that's upto you.

I have already explained the several things your infraction was for at the time, telling a moderator then admin to both F off I think 1 Yellow was very fair.

In this thread you tried to suggest that certain members who are in agreement with you are "smart", I guess that means the rest of us are not so clever as you lot then and we should just bow down to your opinion?

How that makes me hypocritical I don't know, had I told you to F off then I'd agree and I'd issue myself a Yellow card I guess.

If you want to give it then you have to take it, however there is a line and when it's crossed Yellow cards are handed out.

Well that's not exactly correct is it?

Nay mind....yeah, ban me. Plus dragging this process out is making it all look a bit gay. I said i was out on page 1 of this thread. lol.

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Too right, this forum was made for banter and having a laugh, all you DET rejects have ruined it with all this debating crap. Matchday's players were rated on hair style and how good they looked in y fronts. Financial discussions by page 2 ended up guessing how many Balti pies Boycie could down in 15 minutes.

Can it revert back to this please?

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Before I start please note that I come from a financial background and I'm not blindly backing the Board however

If I was a Board member I would provide my Manager with a total Budget for that year. This is to be split between wages and transfer fees (including agency fees) and any Transfer fees received is added to the budget.

As a Derby County Board member I would expect that this budget would be in line with the Revenues we receive. Therefore our budget (excluding idiots like Leicester) should be at the top end of this division.

Once armed with this then the Manager should be expected to get us top half / in contention of the play-offs.

I would then decide on the managers fate around Easter time if we had no hopes of making the play-offs then bye-bye.

As to our current predicament - everyone knows we need to get rid of a few to enable us to get more in. It is in line with the budget. If Leacock & Bywater are on say £15K per week each (this is an example I have no idea of salaries) then them alone would provide an extra £1.5M for our budget. Half of which could be used as transfer fee the other half wages.

I cannot be critical of the Board in regard to the above as it is good financial control

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I’m not very bright and it’s obvious to everyone that Alex and Daveo are the clevererererest posters on this forum.

[Dear davecov, here’s hoping that my patronising statement will, in some small way, further fan the flames of Alex and Daveo’s narcissistic injury. It’s really quite funny to see their noses so put out of joint. Neatly done davecov – and please keep posting.]

Back to the article…

…although there can be questions and quibbles over the exact wording and meaning of some sentences in the article I really thought the overall message was fairly clear. That is, we haven’t spent as much money as many people think and Clough will need to sell Bywater and Leacock while they’re still worth something on the transfer market. He probably needs to do this before he can bring in the new striker and experienced midfielder that he wants (and that most posters want).

No poster in this thread has asked for Leicester type backing, or for us to break spending rules that are not yet in existence. But some of us wonder why our wealthy owners can’t ‘chip in’ and support Clough with the extra funds he needs to get the players he wants to make the team more competitive.

If the owners are keeping to some budget (transfer fees or wages) then surely they could stick to that budget over (the slightly) longer-term by clawing back the money when Leacock and Bywater are eventually sold. But it seems that even that strategy is just too much of a risk for our owners.

I guess some might call selling before you buy the ‘prudent’ and ‘sensible’ approach. Some might prefer we save money by crossing our fingers and hoping for two decent loans instead. To me it all seems self-defeating and unnecessary when given just a bit more financial backing and a smidgeon of risk taking we could actually become more genuinely competitive in this league.

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A forum isn't made for debating Alex, that's the thing (I realise this is a bit ironic)

It's simply for sharing your thoughts, people sharing theirs, and to widen your knowledge.

Not stringing out a thread for 30 pages, trying to convince someone that you, or anyone is right.

Apart from the me being a duck thing, that was just ridiculous.

a forum is about an exchange of ideas and thoughts which will inevitably lead to some debates worksop, so for that reason I think in a way it was made for debates. This forum was initially when i joined more banter, with a good debate now and then, now it seems to be bitter, arguing and pedantic name calling quite frankly, and i have to admit am also close to calling it a day for a while in honesty. As i don't really know any of you i am not going to judge how intelligent the members are and take their opinions into account based on that, i judge each opinion with the evidence accounted for it regardless of who made the statement.

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a forum is about an exchange of ideas and thoughts which will inevitably lead to some debates worksop, so for that reason I think in a way it was made for debates. This forum was initially when i joined more banter, with a good debate now and then, now it seems to be bitter, arguing and pedantic name calling quite frankly, and i have to admit am also close to calling it a day for a while in honesty.

In all honestly, don't think I'd miss you.

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I’m not very bright and it’s obvious to everyone that Alex and Daveo are the clevererererest posters on this forum.

[Dear davecov, here’s hoping that my patronising statement will, in some small way, further fan the flames of Alex and Daveo’s narcissistic injury. It’s really quite funny to see their noses so put out of joint. Neatly done davecov – and please keep posting.]

Hold on I've got a lovely nose according to my mum and it's pointing very straight, I don't want to be put in the same category as Alex either. Even I can tell the difference between Ishmael Miller and Chris Porter.

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I am not saying anyone would, but in that post it typified the type of juvenile sniping that will kill the forum which used to be a good fun place to post and have a laugh, now it seems to have become the exact opposite.

I'm only kidding, man up.

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I wouldn't mind my nose being put out of place, its been broken for a good two years, it might fix it.

And I have never claimed to be smart. Your friend over there did however call us idiots for having a different opinion.

Now that this forum is the top Derby forum, it's going to be like this. And if anyone thinks this is bad, remember how it was once we'd lost to Forest and Crawley. There wasn't a chirpy comment for about two months.

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