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she knows lol, i'm not wasting it just haven't had time this month and forgot.

YR, you are wasting it, you could have told her to renew it and save herself £80.


This thread,

Is it about what you thought it was going to be about? :oops:

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Young ram - You posted on this thread 30 minutes ago, since then jagerbob has said how easy it is to renew online and has given the web address.

Since you are posting comments on a forum it shows you have had the time to do it today/now.

Or will you forget what this thread is about and not renew?

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martin, it is simply easier to complete it at the end of the month for me and my mum, fact is people aren't rushing for tickets and have been very busy. I will renew at the end of the month and will be my 11th season watching derby 9 of which have been absolute garbage.

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£80, that's potentially 2 away games for you, or a new blu-ray player for your Mum.

I'd hate to think about losing £80 on something I could have bought cheaper, surprised you are so blasé, even if it isn't your own money.

If you're short, just borrow it from wonga.com they're really good, lent me £300 six weeks ago, I now owe them my house & first born.

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