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Girl ref knocked for 6 !


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I saw this and had to watch it again, and concluded that McNaughton could have easily not done it, in fact he changes step and accelerates, and ploughs into the lass, now maybe its me, no actually no maybe.. Its me, but i think it shows Mcnaughton to be a Fukin moron... for a few cheap laughs with other fukin ******.

She just doing her job, and to get flattened to make some sad arsed point about should women be allowed to be involved in mens football, even linesman level is indicative of shallow, misogynistic minds.

As my dad used to say, never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers....

Rant over.

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.....and yes she smiles as she gets on with her job, but if she had done anything else it would have added ammunition to the argument that women shouldnt have a place in male football, so good on her, she's the one with the brains in that confrontation. :D

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It was never deliberate, he just keeps the ball in play and runs towards where he's kicked the ball. He had a split second to react and probably didnt even realise she was there, i admit he should have helped her up and apologise but it wasnt deliberate.

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It was never deliberate, he just keeps the ball in play and runs towards where he's kicked the ball. He had a split second to react and probably didnt even realise she was there, i admit he should have helped her up and apologise but it wasnt deliberate.

Disagree mate, looks pretty bloody deliberate to me! He could easily have avoided her as he had to change direction and his body position to actually hit her. Very gentlemanly the way he strutts off without even checking she was ok, what a pr*ck!

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Disagree mate, looks pretty bloody deliberate to me! He could easily have avoided her as he had to change direction and his body position to actually hit her. Very gentlemanly the way he strutts off without even checking she was ok, what a pr*ck!

Easily avoided her? When he was concentrating on the ball and trying to keep it in i bet he didnt even realise she was there. He just keeps the ball in play and his first split second reaction is to run towards the ball, it happened to be that she was in his path so he ran into her.

Agree he comes out of it looking a **** and he is for not helping her and aplogising, but that was never deliberate in my eyes.

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EKR your a wum, :), if not, watch again, he accelerates into her,and changes direction slightly, its deliberate alright, which is proven by the fact he doent acknowledge her, if it was an accident ,man or woman, u would say or do something ? only a moron wouldnt, so either way......he a fukin moron

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EKR your a wum, :), if not, watch again, he accelerates into her,and changes direction slightly, its deliberate alright, which is proven by the fact he doent acknowledge her, if it was an accident ,man or woman, u would say or do something ? only a moron wouldnt, so either way......he a fukin moron

Look where he kicks the ball, he accelerates to go towards the ball which he's kept in play. Between him and her there's probably about a yard or two, he's got no time at all to stop.

He would argue that if he's there helping her up, they take the throw and he's out of position then he's guna be to blame if they score. I think i read he did apologise after the game somewhere so he might not be a total tw*t.

I dont see why he would deliberately run into the official, if he wanted to he must be very inteligent to set it up like that where everything fell into place perfectly for it to happen.

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My first reaction, when I saw it live, was that it was deliberate.

Watching it again, I haven't changed my mind, he even dropped his shoulder.

He didn't have to help her up, dust her down or owt - an acknowledgement and quick apology would have surficed. The ref asked her if she was ok. Good for her, getting up and getting on with it. Her head didn't half snap back.

As has been said, woman or man, he could have at least acknowledged it. It made him look bad.

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I've watched this a few times in the attempt to see if it was an accident and I've failed.

It looks to me like he's done it on purpose whilst trying (and failing) to make it look accidental. Even a blind man could see him change direction. Another moron with a sexist attitude.

And suposedly apologising after the match means nothing. A gentleman would have tried to help her up and apologised immediately, the same being if it was a guy linesman (well maybe not helped him up but you see the point).

Since he did neither that makes him a bit of a low life in my book.

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I've watched this a few times in the attempt to see if it was an accident and I've failed.

It looks to me like he's done it on purpose whilst trying (and failing) to make it look accidental. Even a blind man could see him change direction. Another moron with a sexist attitude.

And suposedly apologising after the match means nothing. A gentleman would have tried to help her up and apologised immediately, the same being if it was a guy linesman (well maybe not helped him up but you see the point).

Since he did neither that makes him a bit of a low life in my book.

Of course he changed direction, he'd just kept the ball in play and was running towards it. If it was that obviously deliberate why hasnt he been charged for it? So you think he just kept the ball in play and his first thought was, lets go smash into the linewoman?

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I still think he could easily have moved out the way but decided to be a **** and go into her. Look as he taps the ball away, he jumps and doesn't even attempt to move out the way, just thinks '**** it' and goes straight into her.

Still could have apologised there and then, could hardly say he didn't notice he bumped into anything, well, charged into anything.

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"Girl ref knocked for 6 !"

Not sure what I was expecting when I came into this thread but it wasn't a female lineswoman knocked for 6.

Maybe not deliberate but should of turned round and apologised, if not at the time after the game.

Had this been a linesman nobody would of battered an eyelid.

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Of course he changed direction, he'd just kept the ball in play and was running towards it. If it was that obviously deliberate why hasnt he been charged for it? So you think he just kept the ball in play and his first thought was, lets go smash into the linewoman?

Hey, if the cap fits...

Deliberatly done IMO. He should be on a rugby pitch with that charge.

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Why is there even this much of a debate:

1 - He clearly knows she is stood there (Facing her way at start)

2 - He WASN'T running too fast to stop before hoardings.

3 - He changes direction (Ball went out of play with ease)

4 - His body language AFTER the incident (Not a care)

5 - He DOESN'T have to rush back in position, Other players merely jog.

Even IF, These are all a coincidence, He didn't say sorry or 'have a lil laugh' about the scenario with her.

Outcome: Cock!


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