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Nigel like Hoddle?


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Just putting it out there as a topic but does anyone think that Nigel suffers a bit of the Hoddle's. By that I don't mean the crazy belief about past life's rather judging players against himself. Now it was reported in the past when Hoddle was managing that some players were annoyed with Hoddle because he got annoyed with them and then showed off with what he could still do with the ball and expected off them. He seemed to judge the players on what he could do and would prove he was better than them.

Now I'm not suggesting that Nigel is trying skills on the training pitch but do you think he may be judging players on how he was and how he felt he should have behaved as a player. When they don't put the effort in or play a pass that he could then he seems to get annoyed and frustrated with them, more so than other managers.

Just a thought on a boring Tuesday on train home from work.

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so,are you saying .........

Just putting it out there as a topic but does anyone think that Nigel suffers a bit of the Hoddle's. By that I don't mean the crazy belief about past life's rather judging players against himself. Now it was reported in the past when Hoddle was managing that some players were annoyed with Hoddle because he got annoyed with them and then showed off with what he could still do with the ball and expected off them. He seemed to judge the players on what he could do and would prove he was better than them.

Now I'm not suggesting that Nigel is trying skills on the training pitch but do you think he may be judging players on how he was and how he felt he should have behaved as a player. When they don't put the effort in or play a pass that he could then he seems to get annoyed and frustrated with them, more so than other managers.

Just a thought on a boring Tuesday on train home from work.

that n.c is wrong to encourage the players to raise the level of they're

game if that is the case.?:confused:

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Hope nobody is taking this post too seriously just a thought and hopefully change of topic (albeit slightly) from the anti-board/Nigel threads.

I mean nothing by it, it's not a 'I hate Nigel and hers a reason why' or anything. I suppose if anything it may be the start of a debate about if young managers who played at a high level treat players differently or not. Does Ince still insist on being called The Gov'ner for example? Did Southgate used to walk around with a paper bag on his head saying 'miss' a lot?

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I agree with most things you say wilko mate you talk alot of sense but not this one pal Nige is Nige, someone to me who seems very frustrated and takes it out on players unnecessaryly.

I think if you give 110% and tyou have got a football brain Nige will like you never mind your ability.

Plus plan B+C has agreed with you so you must be talking *****:p

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you might loosely have a point Wilko.

Not sure he'll be judging them by his own standards as such but I do think he has very high standards and expectations.

I do think he expects his players to feel priviliged to have such a lifestyle, to be worshipped (unless you're gary teale) to relish every minute of it - cos the second you're finished you'll never get it back..I think the second you show that you don't have the heart for it - you're off.

I'm digressing a bit - but actually that's the one thing that is keeping me sane at the minute, despite some of the alternative points of view on here, i believe that Derby have got a genuine team of coaching staff and management who all share the same opinion.

You're lucky to be in such a postion and if you're not prepared to put your lot in - then feck off.

I've heard some people say football isn't the same as it was years ago - and this generation of players won't take to "old style" management.

Football has gone nuts - and I don't mind dreaming that one day in the next couple of years NC will lead Derby to the premier league with a team built on his principles. Without blowing a fortune. I still think he's on track.

The untimely sale of Moxey knocked that vision back a bit - but hey ho....

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