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stadium pricing


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This goes for all football clubs but ill focus is at Derby.

Following the dagenham v mk dons game where they doubled there attendance with 99p tickets it made me think of something that has bothered me for a while.

I don't understand when we are selling 6 - 7000 under capacity that on a match day to buy tickets on the door it cost more than it does to pre book.

Now this may just be me but wouldn't it make sense to lower tithe price on the day and half an hour before the game lower them again. I would sooner see us take £10 for a ticket than have an empty seat.

I know you could get a rush for cheaper tickets but I'm sure the majority would rather gaurantee a to let rather than fight 1000 fans in the last 10 minutes for one and risk missing the game.

It would obviously need ironing out for safety reasons and maybe rewards schemes for pre ordering tickets bit surely its better to make a little Money and get closer to full capacity?

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It's a bit like easy jet at the moment, last minute full price.

Early estimates of attendance helps with policing and stewarding costs including supplies of pies etc.

Good idea, but not really workable. Part from that, I've paid my season ticket money, and don't want my benefit being eroded away by cheap tickets

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Filling the ground with cheap tickets or freebies always upset us season ticket holders.

Even if we get or match tickets dirt cheap if you work it out. But, after all, it's all up front to be used on players.

Maybe another thread?:D

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Maybe a trial in the league cup next year so it doesn't affect ST holders?

I'm all for it in the league cup and perhaps a few league games but doesn't the cup competition set the price of the tickets. I know that's the case in the FA Cup, thought it might be the same with the league cup

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I'm all for it in the league cup and perhaps a few league games but doesn't the cup competition set the price of the tickets. I know that's the case in the FA Cup, thought it might be the same with the league cup
Dont think you could in the Cup, how can you give someone a third of nothing :D
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