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Away in a MAngeR


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Ever noticed the subliminal message hidden there for us all to see that we are looked after from above ? 
any how talking of Christmas it’s time to start thinking about what you might get for that special someone, that person who has been with you through thick and thin, never gives up on you, never questions your love for the Rams that’s right … yourself, how about the latest version of the Colour of The Rams ?

joking aside most of you know how much time and effort we put into this book, I am biased but the latest version that we updated in September is the best, included lots of new content based around the Racecourse years, we honestly make very little money from it due to Amazons high costs but they do make it simple for us, it’s done for the love of it and because it had never been done before and I had the shirts and Andy & Jason the knowledge.

it’s a kind of bible for Rams fans, a great way of picking up on some of our history and heritage in a more interesting way.

you can get a copy here, some of the other lads are enjoying it.








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