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American Riots


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So am I getting this right?

- a black man was killed by a police man showing excess force. Police man is being prosecuted for manslaughter (although it may or may not have taken the video to come to light to ‘speed that process uk’). That police man is in serious trouble, even when goes inside.

- All skin colours in all cities now protest in most cities against what specifically? Behaviour of the police in America? Sadly too many stories of Police racism seem to come out from America even if it’s assault, targeted abuse or white supremacist symbols. So no doubt the 1-2% are letting the overall population down - is that a fair comment?

- In most cities, protests have evolved into looting, violence and vandalism? I also hate to say/ask this but in the video clips I’ve seen black people seem to be doing most of these illegal acts. Is this a fair comment/assumption? I guess once one person pushes a boundary, others have to follow. (Similar to a football thug!)

- A ridiculous President adding fuel to the fire with some of his comments?

- Foreign countries (UK and Germany I have seen) have protests which have thankfully stayed peaceful about what is happening in America. I struggle with this? Solidarity sure but these countries don’t in my opinion have the same race problem as America?

All of this during a virus pandemic?!?!

Without getting complicated, and I know that’s how these things become, have I understood all of this correctly?


Mods - hope this topic/questions are ok but feel free to delete if we don’t want it on the forum. @David

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15 minutes ago, rammieib said:

So am I getting this right?

- a black man was killed by a police man showing excess force. Police man is being prosecuted for manslaughter (although it may or may not have taken the video to come to light to ‘speed that process uk’). That police man is in serious trouble, even when goes inside.

- All skin colours in all cities now protest in most cities against what specifically? Behaviour of the police in America? Sadly too many stories of Police racism seem to come out from America even if it’s assault, targeted abuse or white supremacist symbols. So no doubt the 1-2% are letting the overall population down - is that a fair comment?

The protests are mainly centred around the fact that the killing of George Floyd is an example of a common theme of the police in America treating black people differently to white people. I think they're also based on the fact that there is a level of institutional racism within US society. Its extent is difficult to measure, but I don't think it's a controversial to state that on average, it's more difficult to be a black (or any non-white) person in America than it is to be a white person.

- In most cities, protests have evolved into looting, violence and vandalism? I also hate to say/ask this but in the video clips I’ve seen black people seem to be doing most of these illegal acts. Is this a fair comment/assumption? I guess once one person pushes a boundary, others have to follow. (Similar to a football thug!)

This is where opinions start to differ significantly. I can see why it's spilled into violence, as the issue clearly hasn't been resolved after decades of peaceful protests, Black History Months, Martin Luther King Days, etc. I really don't know whether violence is the answer (I suspect it isn't), but this isn't necessarily new. There was a divergence of tactics in the 1960s, as you had the likes of Martin Luther King preaching peace whilst the likes of Malcolm X and the Black Panthers supported a more aggressive approach.

- A ridiculous President adding fuel to the fire with some of his comments?

I think we can all agree that he's a Bamford. I'd also direct you to look at the difference in his tweets about the protests against the lockdown and the recent racial protests. I think Obama is canonised somewhat by the Left, but having someone like him, who recognises and has experienced the issues America has with race, would be far more helpful at this time (and any time).

- Foreign countries (UK and Germany I have seen) have protests which have thankfully stayed peaceful about what is happening in America. I struggle with this? Solidarity sure but these countries don’t in my opinion have the same race problem as America?

All of this during a virus pandemic?!?!

Solidarity is the main purpose of the European protests. I personally think that's quite problematic given the current pandemic, as I imagine indirect protests at this time are costing more lives than they might save in the long run. I wouldn't write off race issues in the UK, Germany, etc, though. It might not be as bad as the US but it does still exist, though thankfully I think we are one of the better countries in that regard.

Without getting complicated, and I know that’s how these things become, have I understood all of this correctly?


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