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Anyone here go to or have been to a Leicester Tigers game? 

My Nan died a couple of months ago and my so my grandad has been out of sorts (obviously) so for a Christmas present I have got tickets for Tigers v Saints on the 9th and a ticket so he can join me and the wife at the iPro for the Reading game.

What's it like getting to the Tigers ground? How long should I set aside for travelling from Derby to get us there in time to park nearish? We always leave Findern 90mins before kickoff for a game at the iPro so that the wife and I can get there early and soak up the atmosphere plus it gives us time to get there if there is extra traffic. My train of thought was 90mins plus normal driving time to Leicester...?

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Install Google Maps on your phone, enter both posts codes and away you go. It will predict the time you will arrive and if it's clever like Apple Maps it will allow time for traffic and roadworks. Add an extra hour on to the journey for unforeseen piss stops.

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i would come in via aylestone road, which is from junction 21 M1 via fosse park, if you drive through the city centre it will be time consuming and frustrate the pants off you, who needs frigging Apple Maps when you have local knowledge :ph34r:

watch those speed cameras on aylestone road though, 30mph road my arse.

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Yeah Waze is great, has got me out of sitting in traffic a number of times. Think the community aspect of it is great, being able to inform other users of any accidents etc, being able to add photos so you can judge for yourself, plus its fun collecting the bonuses :lol: 

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