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Hi, keep getting download prompt for ghostery.js from secure-ds.serving-sys.com (open or save 27.3kb) which is specific to this site, I think the genuine extension maybe a firefox update which I don't use, could it be malware?

started yesterday and continued today.

thank you in advance

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Same thing on several sites




It's either malware on your system or a dodgy ad which has slipped through as all these sites use Adsense, looking through the review centre now for anything that looks suspect

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1 minute ago, CornwallRam said:

I was getting the same earlier in the week, and just from this site. My security software and anti-malware scanners couldn't find anything.

By Thursday it had stopped happening though.

I can only assume it was through a dodgy ad that Google let slip through in that case. It wouldn't show up on any scans I run on the site as it's just a piece of Googke code which allows them access to stick the banners on.

It has been known in the past to happen but Google are usually on it pretty quickly

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