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Drumming Does My Head In


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Was watching the Stevenage vs Southend game and almost gave up on it because of the incessant drum beating.  The chanting i can take, because it's a cultural thing, even though i admit that it perplexes me that singing fans are considered the best fans, as surely they can't be watching the game very closely while singing.  This infernal racket is spreading all over too.  Now i can't go to a local match without some ***** with drumsticks beating the stuffing out a noisemaker the whole blessed game and all i can think of is creative ways of putting that drum and those drumsticks to new improved uses.  Drums are worse than vuvuzelas, i tell you.  If i had my way, they would banned pronto.  Thank you for reading this rant, i feel a little better now...............frigging drums.

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you have to be 50+ surely?


and certainly not one of the singers!


you'd get on well with my dad

​Finally someone stepped up and actually wrote it.  Good going kid.  Of course i am, how do you think i got so irritable?  But that's all beside the point, drums at football matches are the devil's invention and don't try to squirm out of it.

i don't sing at matches, i go ooohh ahhhh at near misses, clap for nice moves and curse out the ref.     If i wanted to sing, i'd join a choir.

Top man your father, listen to him.

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Thanks for the noise McRamFan, but it's good because it's where it belongs in the concert hall.

Listen, okay i take it back, it's not so much the drumming at matches that gets to me as who is doing it.  Wouldn't complain one little bit if Stewart Copeland was in the row in front of me doing his thang, in fact i would cheer him on.


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