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McClaren could get new contract - Mirror

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Sam; " hey schteve, we're giving you a new contract"

schteve ; "thats great Sam....until such time as something happens, I am 100% com....."

sam; "  yeah,.......you're now on Talk Talk instead of vodafone".

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We know that SR respects SM and given that SM is the person currently in post and has the contract then SR knows that SM would find it intolerably disrespectful to SM himself if SM were to even acknowledge that SR was offering him a new contract and so SR wouldn’t bother…

…and so the Mirror must be wrong.

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Does anyone else just think The Mirror should **** off?

Why do they seem to always write about us. Right now we're just a good Champ team. Nobody else was writing about McClaren before they did. 

When we were a midtable side they wrote about Nigel to Forest.

Why don't they just **** off? Fed up of reading "The Mirror said". Why don't they write about Wolves or Boro instead.

​Wolves maybe... but writing for Boro's 12 supporters won't sell many newspapers.

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