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Americans! grrrrr


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No offence to our Americans on here, but.

I was shown a table for breakfast this morning before we came back and then we all went to the buffet breakfast. (I took a bucket, but that's another thread). Everything's fine.

Anyrode, the missus notices a large chap in a suit had sat at our table, she dispensed me to see what was occurring. So, I returned to the table and said "erm, sorry we've been given this table, we're just getting our food"

I had already turned to walk back to the trough when he said, "no need for the attitude buddy, how was I s'posed to know"

Well, I turned back and explained again what I'd just said previously, he then said "see! That's better!"

I just looked a bit quizzical and shook my head and walked back to the challenge of the buffet.

Now, big fat Americans in business suits that sound like Boss Hog seem to wind me up. To top it all, he even had a metal clamping thing for a hand!?

Anyrodeway, he moved out the room, but the best thing is, just after the missus dispatched me to deal with it, she complained to a waiter type person and got another table! Bloody hell!

Boss Hog returned and sat down with an English business man and all I could hear was double effort this, and blue sky ideas that, why are they sooooo loud?

I had to walk past him from our new table to the lifts back to the rooms, and was expecting some comment from the suited white Don King/Captain Hook.

I did, he didn't and we all lived happily ever after.

But, are they all like this? I've found when visiting london that normally the women are very over the top polite to a point of me feeling nauseous.

Is it just the old men?

Come on AR throw me a freekin bone here?

Is it just me but I really like this yank..

Boycie melted 1-0 USA.

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I like him as well, sounds to be like Boycie was in an arse having lost his place in the food queue, the American picked him up on it, Boycie sarcastically said it nicely. Having missed out on the sausages, his missus had the last one he sat down mardy, sausageless, took his frustrations out on the Americans having been superbly tactically outplayed by his missus for that last sausage.

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