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Too much information for me


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Do I get satisfaction from putting a quid in an air ambulance collection box? Or satisfaction from doing the same with a baby or cancer collection box?

Don't know if satisfied is the right word but knowing I did my little bit to help pay for the upkeep of a helicopter, which don't get government grants or lottery help makes me feel just a bit useful.

I don't get why some do it for selfish or self promoting reasons.

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Btw I've done it again. Exaggerating my opinions because its something I'm passionate about.

Sorry again.

I care more than this. I'm going the wrong way about explaining myself.

My apologies. Probably not experienced enough to make some of these assumptions.

 It's always tough talking about emotive subjects Alpha don't be too hard on yourself :D 

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Cheers froggg.

I'm backing out this topic now because I'm just typing stuff as it comes into my head and I'm just passionate about the subject.

I'm basically using this as a bloody place to unload!!

I'm just madly passionate about this subject and I hope one day to put all my time into helping the homeless.

I think I might have made some messy posts so try not to be offended.

Back to the football section I think! Maybe get a therapist or something!! Lol

As soon as I read Cisse's OP I knew I should keep out. Life ain't simple is it!?


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Can I throw charity wristbands into this conversation. I have mixed feelings on them, on one hand it can help promote the charity, if I ever saw a yellow one I thought of the Live Strong by Lance Armstrong, red and blue is Help for Heroes. Do people that buy them understand what the charities are for or is it the wristband they just want to look "cool" because the "celebs" wear them?

As a charity I would hope it was not just about the money but educating people at the same time, I see these kids on Twitter and what not trolling people and they have the wristbands on in profile pics and that, but I can't help but feel they are now seen as a fashion accessory and is that even a bad thing?

You hear about people like the Beckham's who give thousands out to charities anonymously and it's great that they do it and I kind of like it but I know it's not really educating anybody at the same time. Other charities they are open about supporting, how do they choose which to be open about and why? Maybe it's the charities themselves that have asked to remain anonoymous, maybe the money they provide is all they need.

I dunno, just thought I'd throw this out there.

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I don't know anything about charity wristbands but reading your post Daveo I dunno if that's a good or bad thing?

As for the Beckhams, I think they're great. If they can use their celebrity status to help raise millions and indeed for David to give his salary away to charity, they're brilliant and I've got a lot of time for them.

.....not that they're aware of it mind... :-D

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Last year a guy at work organised a large charity event, and I swear down he didn't give two sh*ts about the charity, he did it so that it looked good on his annual assessment, in an attempt to get promoted. I admit to being a little selfish and greedy, I'm on a decent salary, but would always want more money, nicer things, a bigger TV etc.


I sometimes think I had it 'hard' because some of the other kids got to go on the school trips to Disneyland, Alton Towers etc, whilst my parents couldn't afford to pay for me, but then I went to Butlin's every year on holiday, whilst some kids never got a holiday, and then there are people with minimal food and housing, right down to no food and housing.


It's all relative, and without having accurate stats I wouldn't be surprised if I was easily in the top 10% richest in the world, purely because their is so much poverty. I can't imagine many Chinese or Indian people have more than me, so that's over 2 billion people I'm above straight away :-/


I can't imagine eating raw sausages LR :(. I certainly can't imagine keeping them down. I don't know what I'm doing for Christmas, but I'm certain I'll have a ridiculous amount of food in front of me like usual. Whereabouts are you for Christmas Daveo? (I wish I could tag people in this so that you can see the question - lol).

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Never thought about the health implications, but I was only about 5 or so, so wouldn't have had a clue. I was just hungry and it was food.

Since then I've learned to cook and now only eat meat well done :-).

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Last year a guy at work organised a large charity event, and I swear down he didn't give two sh*ts about the charity, he did it so that it looked good on his annual assessment, in an attempt to get promoted. I admit to being a little selfish and greedy, I'm on a decent salary, but would always want more money, nicer things, a bigger TV etc.


I sometimes think I had it 'hard' because some of the other kids got to go on the school trips to Disneyland, Alton Towers etc, whilst my parents couldn't afford to pay for me, but then I went to Butlin's every year on holiday, whilst some kids never got a holiday, and then there are people with minimal food and housing, right down to no food and housing.


It's all relative, and without having accurate stats I wouldn't be surprised if I was easily in the top 10% richest in the world, purely because their is so much poverty. I can't imagine many Chinese or Indian people have more than me, so that's over 2 billion people I'm above straight away :-/


I can't imagine eating raw sausages LR :(. I certainly can't imagine keeping them down. I don't know what I'm doing for Christmas, but I'm certain I'll have a ridiculous amount of food in front of me like usual. Whereabouts are you for Christmas Daveo? (I wish I could tag people in this so that you can see the question - lol).

I'll be somewhere in Grimsby, down the Docks maybe not sure yet, I've got me fishing rods still so might catch myself some Cod on carp tackle. :lol:

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Sometimes when I give money to homeless people I feel good. Sometimes I feel ashamed. Ashamed that I'm not giving more. Ashamed that I'm not ready to help them any other way. There are ways. I know that. But I'm selfish and I also know that if I try to help everyone I should and could I would be instead of the helper, the helpee. Almost happened to me once.

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My missus used to work in addiction therapy. Some of the stories she came back with were horrific. People who were addicts today were addicted to drugs etc by their own parents when they were toddlers and such like.

Got to agree with Ronnie, sadly it's probably too late for some people but it's worth investing time, resources and expertise in helping young people to make the right choices in life. Some kids, like the addicts above just dont stand a chance as things are, which is criminal. Massive challenge but not one that should be ignored.

Everryone cares about different things but if everyone did just one thing to help someone/a cause they cared about we'd be half way to making things better. I need to do more, too wrapped up in my own insignificant problems.

As far as charities are concerned i get Alpha's points but people have different priorities and reasons for giving. It's not a bad thing to give because ultimately the charity benefits. I would say though that i think massive charities are like massive business/government; quite often inefficient, money making machines and not always that well linked in to their beneficiaries. I like to try and give locally if i can, there are huge issues on our own doorsteps and it's too easy to ignore them.

I'm guilty of ignoring them and it's about time i got off my arse and did something to help other people.

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