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Let me give you 10 reasons why the summer is crap


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Great. I shall be wearing a hat with corks dangling from it with a stash of Fosters on Sunday, having a reunion bbq with my sister who emigrated to Oz 2 years ago.

None of it's my doing, I'm being influenced by my mother of all people, so I have to do it, I know better than to argue.

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I love winter but it must be tough for people who suffer from seasonal disorder, gotta be a bit depressing all them dark mornings.

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Getting in the ice cube that was a car the night before.

The heating bill

Freezing building sites with frozen taps/water tubs. Everything that's steel is painful to touch.

Then the ice on the roads.

I just about prefer hayfever. Although when I go to type hayfever into my phone it used to suggest 'gay fever'.

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Knew it, you big gay bear!

Maybe I have got hayfever but im such a man I dont let it efect me?

I'm still here though. In the concrete jungle trying to keep the wolf from the door. Sweat, snot and tears.

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