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Butter or Margerine


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I'm on a rant about milk now...

Years ago when the milkman had delivered the old style tall milk bottles, did anyone else have birds come swooping down and peck through the foil lids to nick the cream off the top?

Fookin ell. Even the birds were on the rob where we used to live.



ye , we had that , the crafty b*s**ds used to peck thru' the foil top and nick the cream .. :angry:

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ye , we had that , the crafty b*s**ds used to peck thru' the foil top and nick the cream .. :angry:

My first job was a milk mans assistant(apprentice)and it was a pain in the arse to put covers on the tops of milk,also in winter especially 78 the cream used to rise out the top of the bottle when it was freezing.
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Margerine is shiite.

When abroad and self catering its not very easy to tell what is butter and what isn't.

I once bought a small pack of something and was making a stir fry.

When i put the stuff in to the pan i basically had yellow paint swimming around.

Ever since then i only buy butter even if the pack is way too big.

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