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Jimmy Tarbuck arrested.


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Sorry LR, meant Tarbuck.


I think these people should have the right to anonymity until proven guilty.

Ah righto. Tarbuck, he was arrested in April and it was The Mail (I think) who named him on Saturday?


Much hoohaa going off now, police saying naming names could prevent further crimes and encourage other victims to go to the police. Think things are changing now though with the Levenson report findings into how the police handle things, a ban on names has been mentioned but apparantley a lot of forces do not name people who have been charged with serious offences. Should the public know who they are and what they've done?

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Yep, I wondered how the Philpott's lawyer could defend them when all the evidence was coming out. I couldn't do it, don't know how they can but I s'pose they're obligated by law to defend people?


It's called a big pay day. Remember when Blairs missus said that terrorists have rights!!! stupid cow

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 Should the public know who they are and what they've done?

Not until they have been proven guilty in a court of law, that landlord from Bath who got accussed of killing his student tenant got an absolute battering and he quite rightly successfully sued the pants off all of the tabloids who bandied his name about, didn't help much though all the time when he was being labelled as a murderer though

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Barristers will say, everyone has a right to a fair trial, which is true.  Someone has got to  defend them. If there is a way to get them off, fairly, they will.  It's a job.  It's a challenge. It's what they do.


As for the paedophillia going on in the 70's and to this day, it is MASSIVE, it goes way beyond the Tarbucks and the Halls of this world, way beyond.  David Icke isn't the fool he was made out to be all those years ago, far from it.  You've only got to look at the names of the Elms Guest House visitors to see just how wide this goes and they all cover for eachother using their 'celebrity', money and threats to keep it under wraps.  It's disgusting and any arrest, no matter how long ago the crime, can only be good.


As for the BBC licence fee - it wants stopping now, the BBC, one of the biggest enablers of paedophiles and cover ups, and we pay for the chuffers.... :angry:

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The BBC licence fee, another emotive subject, am still not sure why I am paying my wedge every month to the Beeb for them to churn out crap on the TV that I don't watch, do other EU countries have a pay a licence fee or is it just suckers like us?

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David Icke isn't the fool he was made out to be....

I'm still waiting or him to prove that the Duke of Edinburgh is a big cross dressing reptile....

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We had a music teacher who used to stick his hand down his own trousers.......

Did he have yellow fingers??

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I just think that there is something wrong when a barrister defends a client that they know is guilty and does their damndest to get them off - just isn't right. As for the lady in the quote I think she has a tenuous grasp on reality.


Can understand that but thank god we give everybody in this country, no matter how evil, sick or disturbed, the right to a defence and a fair hearing.

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Can understand that but thank god we give everybody in this country, no matter how evil, sick or disturbed, the right to a defence and a fair hearing.


It's called being innocent until proved guilty, and that's how it should be. I reckon that some on here would be happy with lynch mobs, burning out the filthy paediatricians. 

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It's called being innocent until proved guilty, and that's how it should be. I reckon that some on here would be happy with lynch mobs, burning out the filthy paediatricians.

i know the NHS has its faults, but, really?
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When I was 9, my teacher made me bend over and he spanked me hard on my rump with a slipper, it didn't hurt and he ran the Butterfly Club (which I loved) and he used to take us into the fields to try and find butterflies and caterpillars, I don't remember him ever touching me inappropriately, but do you think I should report him for the slipper episode?

Worried, from Milford.

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