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A question for pun infested mods and admins


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when i first joined here in 2011 ,  i was happily trudging my way thru' the joke thread ,


reading about 5 pages a day to catch up , then all of a sudden , whoosh , it was locked ,


pity that , i enjoyed that thread.. :D

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when i first joined here in 2011 ,  i was happily trudging my way thru' the joke thread ,


reading about 5 pages a day to catch up , then all of a sudden , whoosh , it was locked ,


pity that , i enjoyed that thread.. :D

You mean you got some of the jokes ? Really ?  :lol:

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Guys - whenever a thread in off topic goes contraversial and people fall out it inevitably hits all over the forum in other threads.

If we have a rubbish bin for no holds barrred it probably will go the same way.

Opinions do not create reports - how they are put across may do if they insult or upset other members. An opinion does not include calling others dilusional, insane or smackheads (all words used when starting a post disagreeing with posters recently) it is these posts that create reports.

Reports don't always end up in warnings either.

You are all delusional insane smackheads.

I'm the only normal bloke on here.

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Did you realise the Vag*na is the most technical piece of engineering ever ,


it takes any size of piston , is self lubricating , complete fluid change once a month ,


perfect .. shame the engine management system is all to cock..

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