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at last some sense


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I am NOT having that as an excuse! It may have escaped your attention, or you may have conveniently overlooked the fact, BUT the squad that Nigel inherited cost 'many millions more' than other squads that did considerably better than us! You cannot have it both ways.

Yeh,but much as I hate to say it,Forest's squad is way superior to the one Clough inherited.But for the remarkable sacking of SOD,I believe he would have had them in a similar (if not better) situation than BD has achieved.


Whilst it provided much mirth at the time,the GB incident was the worst thing that could have happened from our perspective.A few more weeks of AM would probably have seen them out of reach of the play offs.

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The fighting gets silly on here sometimes.

Two people can barely disagree without heavy sarcasm or barely concealed insults being thrown back and forth.

I imagine if this was a pub there'd be fighting.

Unless people don't act like this in the flesh?

Getting silly. Like the old DET. There's teams forming. Cliques. People are labeled.

Give it a year it'll be like a footymad site. Poor Daveo and Co.

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Next season = playoffs minimum .           Anything else will not be exceptable   .    

Totally agree but the fans have to be behind the club. We would be a force to be reckoned with if we were together. Lets hope next season starts well and gets better and we can ALL get behind the team & get back to a full house at home..................grief, I sound like B4 :o

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I like Clough and what he has done. But he blames everyone but himself for our failings. He is miserable in most post match interviews. I seriously question the fans that do not question Clough's tactics. 7 out of 10 things he does is correct and right however the other 3 are just obvious mistakes. 

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I like Clough and what he has done. But he blames everyone but himself for our failings. He is miserable in most post match interviews. I seriously question the fans that do not question Clough's tactics. 7 out of 10 things he does is correct and right however the other 3 are just obvious mistakes. 


You're obviously in the wrong job if you can pick out which of Clough's decisions are right and which ones are 'obvious mistakes'.

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The fighting gets silly on here sometimes.

Two people can barely disagree without heavy sarcasm or barely concealed insults being thrown back and forth.

I imagine if this was a pub there'd be fighting.

Unless people don't act like this in the flesh?

Getting silly. Like the old DET. There's teams forming. Cliques. People are labeled.

Give it a year it'll be like a footymad site. Poor Daveo and Co.

Thanks for raising this point Alpha.

Recently this forum has grown significantly in size, with that fall outs between members are inevitable. However, the forum has rules and these rules have to be stuck to.

An insult is an insult wether it is openly calling someone a **** or concealed within a post. Personal insults carry a warning, get enough warnings you will get a ban (not always permanent)

Obviously there are occasions where calling someone a **** is meant as a joke, we do have some discretion to use. However, if a complaint is received or the mods think a line has been crossed posts will be removed and warnings given.

I have removed some posts in this thread, but haven't given any warnings(that thing discretion again) but those whose posts have been removed, you know who you are.

Contrary to belief us mods don't want to ban anybody (well maybe Boycie but he's immune) but we do want to maintain the happy atmosphere we had when we were a smaller forum. If that means giving warnings and pulling off posts then we will do it.

have a nice day folks

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Clough is a unique case. He has been given far more time than almost any of his peers. 

Clough has been extremely fortunate in having very supportive and tolerant bosses whom have obviously been not setting him stretch targets unless you call staying in the Championship shooting for the moon. Reflecting on some of the ridiculous sackings this year am not saying this is a necessarily bad thing.


I've always postured though that you do not get the same builders in to pour the concrete in your foundations as those whom would tile the roof to complete the construction. Perhaps the board see that as well, and after Clough's contract expires someone is planned to come in and complete his beginnings, the only thing I am sure of though is this board are playing a very long end game.

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This year was make or break in my opinion and Clough passed the test.

At home the football has been top class definitely worth the season ticket purchase.

Obviously there are improvements to be had ie experience at CB, a new LB and a goal scoring forward but I have enjoyed this season at home.

Away form cost us

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This year was make or break in my opinion and Clough passed the test.

At home the football has been top class definitely worth the season ticket purchase.

Obviously there are improvements to be had ie experience at CB, a new LB and a goal scoring forward but I have enjoyed this season at home.

Away form cost us

make or break? we could finish with less points last year lower and lower down how is that make or break and how has clough passed?

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make or break? we could finish with less points last year lower and lower down how is that make or break and how has clough passed?

In my opinion I would deem make or break, with break ie a failure if we finish in worse position than last season.

Note I put position not points tally because imo league table position is more important than points tally.

As for now we are doing better than last season and I would love it if we could finish in the top 8, we have some winnable games in the run in.

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