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Peugeots are like Citroens because they are made by the same people


Do some 'controlled' braking and the disks should clear up but check it all the same

check for signs of respray or repair, any indication of why the car as been traded in

My work is in automotive engineering if you want to ask any technical questions, feel free to Pm me and ill try and help

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Buying cars is easy.

Selling them is more difficult.

I bought a car twelve years ago and i'm stll driving it around.

I have an irrational desire to get the mileage to 225k which equals the distance to the moon.

I have no idea why this should be my intended goal.

But I reckon that i should reach my target sometime in september 2017.

So if you see someone driving along who suddenly starts waving and screaming and hooting his horn before pulling over and dancing a jig then thats probably me celebrating, because it means i can finally sell the fkin thing.

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