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  1. Yeah as they openly were talking to people at the bar, it’s a really good bar I’ve got to say. on a different topic it looks highly likely Ebou might be off the cards
  2. From talking to a lot of people I know including Ben himself , it’s been about 3-4 weeks serious interest. Warne actually contacted him after the season to ask about the contract situation but Ben had originally wanted to re-sign with the blades. However, they were in a mini embargo as they were in talks for a new owner so couldn’t offer new deals. Ben and my mate who own the Lonely Boy in Borrowash then went to scout a new celebrity-exclusive bar in the Algarve and Warne texted him daily and even asked if he’d like a special montage for his family e.g. a tribute thing for his dad. He really liked warnes down to earth approach and Ben’s very grounded so I guess the personalities clicked.
  3. I’d be really tempted to use the Kellyman money plus Brown on loan to try and sign Langstaff
  4. Remember 9 subs in the championship we need a large squad. NEW , Vickers , NEW wilson , Ward Bradley, Nyambe, Nelson , cashin forsyth NEW Fornah, NEW, NEW, NEW NML, CBT , NEW, barks washington NEW , NEW , NEW
  5. I fully expect the first 3-4 will be free and loans. Then I could see us announcing a few undisclosed fees maybe including Ebou. As for Yates he’s a good player but some players don’t fit systems.
  6. If you read that post yesterday, it was not my rumour or someone I know I was simply posting a ludicrous rumour I saw on Twitter. as for the info , it was from the co-owner of the bar Osborn owns.
  7. Ben Osborn having a medical tomorrow might be announced tomorrow night if not Friday. Warne contacted him daily whilst him and my mate were holidaying in the Algarve. expect a 2 year deal. Ebou highly likely to and Iverson to follow.
  8. I’m so glad we no longer have Mel as the owner, we’d have signed him on a 5 year deal 😂
  9. It’s not me who said it or believed it!! I’m reporting what another clown said!
  10. I heard an absolutely awful one today from some idiot. Saying we’ve signed Jamaal Lowe on a Free and Ben Godfrey on Loan.
  11. Nixon apparently said we are closing in on a double signing.
  12. If that’s the case £1 for Gibbs White
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