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Posts posted by CocuBarmyArmy

  1. 14 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Didn't Rooney say Omari wanted to stay?

    Fair enough if so, but just because he didn’t want to go to Villa doesn’t mean another more ‘attractive’ club won’t turn his head. Obviously not saying it’s right that Wayne wasn’t told, nor am I saying it’s a good deal for the club, I just think that it’s reasonable given the situation.

  2. 39 minutes ago, WestKentRam said:

    I can't understand, if he hasn't worked his way through his initial reported £500m net worth, why Mel Morris doesn't bite the bullet and settle the club debts that accrued under his tenure, so it can be sold to another owner. Surely he will still be left enough to live on after this.

    The alternative of leaving a legacy of being a pariah in the city and the negative effects on 10s of thousands of people in Derby and the repercussions this is going to have across the wider footballing world makes me think there must be something else going on as it otherwise just doesn't make sense. 

    This is the thing though, I honestly believe he is running out of cash, I just can't see any other reason to take this route. I had my suspicions when we failed to pay the players last year, not just because we didn't pay them on time, but because it took so long to get them paid after the initial hiccup. Perhaps he just doesn't have the liquidity, but I just cannot fathom why he put the club into admin if he is still worth 500 million, it makes no sense surely.

  3. Went to buy a few Fulham tickets, I have email confirmation and everything but for some reason when I try to view them on the website it says the payment is still processing? It’s been about half an hour now.

    I’m not sure if this is normal or if I’ve somehow messed it up?

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