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Posts posted by StaffsRam

  1. 31 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Anyway.... I am out of my depth.

    Best time to pick up Black Ops - even if you'd played Call of Duty before it makes little difference with this one.

    Fifa is much easier to pick up :)

  2. CoD is with the futuristic/advanced bull$h1t where it was with WWII after WaW. They need to change things up. MW3 had advanced elements, and then BlOps 2 took it further, and now we've had Ghosts, Advanced Warfare and BlOps 3 as well - five games, all with a similar theme - they didn't even go that far with the WWII or modern warfare themes FFS. 

    The he next iteration is likely to be Ghosts II, and then it'll be AW2, so you're looking at three years at least before you see any change. Unless Activision have told IW to forget Ghosts after the abysmal first game, but I doubt it. In all likelihood Ghosts II has been in development for a couple of years, since the first game. And there's no way they won't do AW2.

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay. :angry:


  3. Picked up BlOps3, pretty much just for zombie mode.

    Good job because once again MP is laughably woeful. Ridiculously overpowered abilities and perks that offer up numerous cheap ways to kill and be killed. Abilities aplenty ripped off from other games where they're implemented far more successfully. Massively unbalanced weapons (just for a change). Screwed up matchmaking (you'll find yourself constantly in games with people who've already prestiged). Abysmal spawning (just for a change).

    On the bright side, zombie mode is great!

  4. 2 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    I believe you'd benefit from watching 'Shark in Venice'.

    It makes 3 Headed Shark look like Citizen Kane.

    That would take some doing mate. Danny Trejo chopped off one of its heads and it instantly grew three more, wtf?!

    The way it ultimately met its end was equally as plausible.....:lol:

  5. Ok so this isn't really fair because I haven't played it, but I heard Destiny was an intensely grind heavy game. Wrong?

    It might be, but I'm relatively new to it, only picked it up a short while ago. So far so good but there's definitely a chance it will get grind-heavy but I suspect that it will take a while to get that way. F1 on the other hand is repetitive by the time you get to the second race. I accept that this is due in part at least to the nature of the sport, but you'd hope that strategy would play more into it, and upgrades and such, but essentially you could pick almost any strategy, in any car, and as long as you're proficient at getting around the track, you're going to win. Disappointing really.

    Picked up Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition from the Xbox mega sale - £15

  6. Thanks. I'll give them both a go, although seeing as the central plot of 'Sunshine' seems to be a rather large helping of 'bad science', that one might be harder to take. 

    On the bright side, you can put the audio commentary track on and listen to Prof Brian Cox rip the science apart. He was the science advisor for the movie, but clearly they didn't listen to him all the time! :lol:

  7. 12 Monkeys is great, and yes the TV version ain't bad either.

    I'd forgotten that The Matrix was 1999. Of course it provided great consolation when The Phantom Menace turned out to be absolute gash!

    Minority Report is pretty good I'll grant you, as most PKD adaptations seem to be, with the obvious exception of Paycheck - proving that even a PKD story can't save a movie with Ben Affleck starring.

  8. Bloody Nora you're hard to please. I gave the latest one 5/10 but on consideration think that's a bit high. It's terrible. 

    I agree the first is the best but Terminator 2 is a landmark film. In Inception and the Matrix I think there have only been two sci-fi blockbusters that compete with it in the last twenty odd years. Oh and the new Mad Max.

    Tbf, Inception and The Matrix aside (with the possible addition of Moon), there hasn't really been any great sci-if movies this side of the millennium. 

    T2 is ok, I just don't think that it's as great as many people think. 

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