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May Contain Nuts

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Everything posted by May Contain Nuts

  1. Get in touch with Ravel Morrison, he'll get you a blue badge from a dead person sorted and you can park wherever you want.
  2. I think if you're using the textbook definitions then many of the decisions today were correct, even if we as a fanbase broadly seem to have disagreed. Wycombe weren't kicking us to bits or anything like that and the team making most fouls was clearly us. I think that's where the performance fell down today though, and I think it may have been influenced by the fast-tracking - it wasn't the performance of a ref who understood the nature of the specific fixture or the teams involved, who knew how to manage the game even when sometimes it may have called for some leniency against the pedantry of officialdom. It feels wrong to criticise an official for being officious (!), and I can understand that when all eyes are on you you may default to making sure you tick all the boxes, but today felt like a game which needed a little more nuance and understanding, even in situations where the rulebook might not necessarily be followed to a tee. That's something which can only come with experience though, and she's shown plenty in past matches to be allowed to continue gaining that experience, and now at a higher level. We (mostly) all thought she was brilliant until today. What that doesn't excuse is the lack of awareness and added minutes for all of their first half time wasting, the lack of a retrospective booking for their player after (correctly) playing on, or the drop ball where Wycombe were allowed to gain an advantage despite her getting in the way of a pass from us.
  3. The word 'perhaps' would suggest supposition. We can't know the reasons why someone hasn't posted, we can only guess. I'm just saying it strikes me as the 'positive' posters having their cake and eating it, and that that the 'negative' posters can't really do right for doing wrong. When we're doing well it's "shut up and stop the negativity!" so surely those averse to it should be happy that those voicing negative opinions have been quiet after positive results, rather than laying in wait for them to voice negativity after a negative result and then using it against them? Can't have it both ways. I agree about taking the season as a collective group of games, but the forum would basically be dead until the season has finished if everyone waited to see how things planned out without commenting!
  4. If you could show me where I've 'creamed myself' please? As I said, it was a rubbish game on all counts. It was at least 'competitive ' though and I was happy that we looked to have properly earned our win. Their twattish fans made me doubly happy we took the lead and I'm annoyed that, as is often the case, a team's time wasting has ultimately given them longer to rescue a point after falling behind. I also think that the referee set the tone from the off, but did it badly by being too eager with the yellows, and made a couple of really dodgy calls (the drop ball and not booking their player after playing in) which further stained her otherwise good reputation with Derby fans.
  5. I don't think there's much to say about today other than... rubbish The word rubbish sums up just about every aspect of the game, from their side, our side, the officials, the myth about safe standing creating an atmosphere, all of it.
  6. Perhaps he's sticking to his opinion, has read all the comments complaining about the negativity being repetitive and boring and as such abstained. Maybe he's playing the long game, content in his convictions about the manager and not swayed by the odd, largely expected, good run here and there? Unlike yourself who's made sarcastic, inciteful, goading little comments after every one of our recent victories, acting as if all of a sudden you've discovered you've got a second dick?
  7. Far, far less often than we continue them. It just sticks in the mind more when we c*** it up.
  8. I'm guessing you must mean in terms of 6 league wins in a row? Wycombe haven't won in 8 and have lost their last 4 in a row so beating them at home isn't much of a marker in itself!
  9. Sorry to pick this out from the whole post but I think this is the issue and also where we agree. The league definitely has changed but IMO it's changed in a manner which suits us, even if we are under certain restrictions. I didn't like you referring to me as an extremist in an early post. I'm anything but. I just firmly believe that we're past the point where we need to dwell on those restrictions and that they're nowhere near as impactful as sometimes is presented. I'm massively positive about our club as a whole and I think we've recovered remarkably quickly, for which I will forever be grateful to David Clowes' even if I don't agree with his decision on appointing or faith in Warne. I just worry we'll waste our behind the scenes brilliance on on the pitch averageness and a pack of future planning. As I've said already I'm simply unwilling to take what I see as a short term view as 'good enough' when I feel we have the pote to really kickstart out revival.
  10. I did think it was out of character to be fair, but sometimes even seemingly docile posters seem to turn into Warne's personal guard dogs and attack when they catch scent of criticism.
  11. I have in the past sometimes indicated that the best thing for someone might be for them have a breather. @Caerphilly Ram actually took about a week off once even when I just meant it may benefit them to take a few moments to breathe before posting in order to maintain a clear head! 😉 I once suggested that if someone were fed up of reading certain things, repetitive posts all about same subject, then the option is always open for them to stop reading for a bit and to come back when things might have changed. Obviously I had this notion thrown back in my face when suggesting it to a certain poster. It would be ironic but not entirely surprising if that poster was advocating such action now but hey, this thread isn't about promoting point scoring! Seriously though not taking one's own advice is very much part of the human condition so I'll probably try to correct that if it leads to greater board harmony... but I wouldn't bet anyone's money me actually managing it, tbh.
  12. Meh. I'll call it a draw, or maybe just a cease fire, because quite frankly I can't be arsed. Apologies if I misunderstood the tone of your post, but the tone of this place toward people who aren't fully on board with Warne IS disgusting imo, maybe I grouped your post in with that too readily.
  13. Another one showing their true colours. Nasty! The evidence just keeps on piling up.
  14. As for the rest, apologies I'm not ignoring the posts just haven't had time to respond them. After a quick read it seems my opinions have been perfectly put by other posters stepping into the breach so thanks to them. For the benefit of doubt the reason I don't think Warne is right for the long term is that, even though the quality of players may change, the simplicity of the tactical approach and lack of tactical intelligence is unlikely to do so, and I don't feel he's putting anything in place that provides a stable basis for ongoing improvement, and I feel he's more interested in looking after his own skin than he is looking at the best interests of the club long term. I acknowledge that it's one step at a time, however I just don't think it's unfair to critically assess the chances of him fulfilling the criteria laid out by the chairman for us to become an 'established' in the Championship club, simply because we aren't in that league yet. I find the idea that we'll cross that bridge when we come to it an incredibly short term view. At every point, I've maintained my belief that Paul Warne absolutely will get us promoted, but we have hired a promotion expert, given him a good budget with more backing to come. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that getting promoted is the easy part of his job. Given his credentials and out resources it should be straightforward for him - and that is just an opinion, before someone else tried to accuse me of stating opinions as facts, but one I feel is backed up by the reality of our situation and the standard of the league this season. Unfortunately one or two still seem utterly intent on showing their true colours and proving everything I've said about the attitude to people who aren't convinced by Warne to be true. As someone else said, the lack of self awareness (especially by anyone crying bully) is magnificent in its hypocrisy.
  15. I've had a think about it over the 2 and a half hours it took me to get home from Rotherham and when running round like a blue arsed fly to get myself back out the house and to the pub for darts, and I've decided that... ..sorry, someone is going to have to jump in my stead because I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in entering into any kind of discourse with Tyler either today or at any time in the future. Ideally I wouldn't even have to register or acknowledge his presence.
  16. I think that's a fair post overall. The thing is though most of the anti-Warne comments are about his long term impact, so I'm not sure why a good run would or should see them feeling sheepish. They're not the ones showing short sightedness - it's those judging Warne purely on whether we go up or not who are doing that. There's a heck of a lot left to prove and even promotion doesn't / wouldn't change that. Promotion for many is the minimum expectation, it's hitting par, anything else is a bogey - it's not something we're just hopeful might happen. If Warne gets us up and keeps us up he'll have done well. Until then the jury will remain out. Promotion followed by relegation would prove the critics correct. I share your hope that both sides may settle down, but I think the chances of it are quite slim when there's already an increasing number of posters weaponising our positive form.
  17. I know this is all a bit "well he started it", but... You do realise the conversation came up (again) because someone (CongletonRam) started playing the victim and calling 'abuse' on behalf of the 'Warne in' camp, right? ...and the only example put forward of a 'Warne out' poster being potentially abusive towards another was in response soneone calling them "a joke' and 'an absolute fool' with 'no idea what you're talking about', asking them 'are you really that stupid' and terming other people who shared his opinion as 'morons'? Lovely, respectful stuff there. I'm not really sure what rhetoric you think has shifted, this s*** has been going on for months, long before any turn in form. 🤣
  18. Where did I say I was factually correct? I've stated that my view is based on things I see happening in front of me rather than vague and broad statements that don't seem to be backed up being what's presented on the pitch. All my opinions were quantified and backed up in the initial post - the 'worse than last season' comment owing to the quality of teams going up being higher than that of those coming down coupled with points deductions for two of the relegated teams for example - so I'm not going to repeat myself when you've already either ignored or dismissed what I've said.
  19. I know you'd rather any voicing any sort of criticism about the manager should just shut up and be silent, and that anyone not fully on board with Warne is prime to be ganged up on and dismssed as some sort of imbecile, but If someone replies to me in a condesending tone I have every right to answer the point this out and try to address the points they've made. Replying to someone doesn't mean they've got under your skin - It's a message board for discussing all things Derby County (and beyond), from all sides of the argument afterall, not an echo chamber, and It would be rude to just ignore the post. Simply trying to turn my own argument against me shows that you don't really have anything of value to add, and can't actually dispute the things I've said, for which, despite your claim, is all evidence based.
  20. I agree he looked a good signing on paper but it became immediately obvious that he wasn't suited to the role, not in the way we set up as a team anyway Nethertheless we keep trying to shoehorn him into it, so it's clearly something he's eager to implement, even with the benefit of hindsight. Every time we look worse defensively for it. Fortunately most of the time we've managed to get away it (although It cost us a victory against Portsmouth and contributed massively to the loss against Oxford, and very nearly lead to us throwing away the Bristol game befoire NML saved us) because the opposition don't/can't capitaise on the extra space and impetus it gives them. Granted there are times when letting the opposition come at us has allowed us to breakaway and score - but I doubt that is the main intention of the tactic. That still doesn't mean it's a good tactic, or that Warne's vision wasn't flawed - he should, after all, know a lot more about his potential signings than the fans - or that the injuries didn't unexpectedly benefit us in some way.
  21. Not sure you can get much more patronising than claiming someone can't see the full picture just because you disagree with them. Nothing in your post seems to be based on what's actually playing out in front of us, it's pretty much a list of theories, preconceptions and excuses without any substance or analysis behind them. "11 strong men..." Sorry, what? Are we playing with our U12s? "...busting a gut to put one on us". - in theory true but it's not what we've actually come up against in the vast majority of matches. "It hasn't been an easy ride"... it has been pretty easy actually. Especially this season with 3 very good teams removed and 2 would-be competitors suffering points deductions and ongoing ownership issues. "There isn't a higher cheque book" - no but there's more than most teams have and a promotion level budget. "25k a week saying we are Derby..." - Oh please, my posts haven't said anything of the sort. Making out my view is based on us having the name Derby County and a lot of fans is again patronising and insulting. "the obvious structures they would be under given our current level of strength and stability" - which is pretty damn good, just because we came from a bad place doesn't mean we're currently in one and have to pretend we're this meek little things who shouldn't expect to compete from promotion. There's nothing wrong with the structure Warne is working under, he's got more than enough at his disposal to get us promoted and we're told that his only remit is getting us up so his use of the academy can't be brought into discussions, and the Chairman is on record as saying he has patience with him and would understand even if he does somehow fail to get us promoted. He's got it bloody easy and there's no reason to think another manager couldn't at least match what he's done. "many if our signings were designed for Warne's vision"... which was to play with a back 3 with Bradley at the heart of it. Thank god for injuries, quite frankly. It's debatable whether we'd even have signed Niambe had they not happened. Our "compromised style" as you put it has been key to some of our better performances both last season and this. When most of the injured players have played they've looked no better than what we have as 'backups'. "This isn't happy clapping. It's reality. It's support" - the patronising b******* goes on.
  22. No, I'm thinking of Warne (and Rosenior's) full spell in charge. It's just even worse this season than last. It's still only a small number of games where the opposition's resilience has been our downfall, I'm not glossing over them - every team has games like that - it's just theyve come along to cost us far less often than our lack of tactical nous and poor game and squad management. As I said, those other big clubs had to spend ages clearing out the s*** before they could do anything - we didn't have that problem. It was as fresh as fresh starts get. We overcame many of our issues within the first couple of months. There are more teams who try to play 'football' in League One than there were when they were down here too. You could even attribute someone like Sunderland, say, finally achieving promotion at least in part due to the changing nature of the league.
  23. Of course he hasn't. As I said earlier, it's likely - in the statistical sense, and understandably given human nature, so not really even a dig - that there are some posters who think criticising Warne is the same thing as abusing posters who publicly back him, taking it upon themselves to feel insulted on his behalf.
  24. I'd probably subscribe to that view had League One proved true to its billing. Everyone's cup final, having to scrap for every point, technical players routinely nullied by 6ft 4 oafs kicking them to bits every game etc. The reality is that describes probably only about 3 teams. If teams are supposed to raise ther game against us, someone forgot to send them the memo. It isn't the same league other teams (Forest, Leeds, Sunderland, Ipswich prior to last season) are often cited as struggling to come to terms with. (Nor did we need to offload an overstuffed, overpaid squad reeking of the failure of relegation) I probably end up spending more time watching, concentrating on, the opposition team than I do watching our own play now. I find that I'm saying to myself "how would I feel if I was a ____ supporter"; would I be happy with that level of performance? Hand on heart I can honstly say that I would be gutted and almost ashamed of nearly all of them. Not just the lack of skill but the application, determination, intent too. It's a cake-walk for us at times only difficult if we fail to do the things we know we can do. Yes, the club was decimated and had the league lived up to its reputation it would be easy to just accept that we need an extended period of time time to heal, but it's risen back very quickly (brilliant work behind the scenes by Clowes and his team) and even under certain restrictions has big advantages over many others clubs - the truth is that even a few short weeks of exiting administration we'd managed to assemble a squad which probably should have finished top 6 in its first season. (Nearly) A year and a half later the league is weaker and our squad better than last season, to the point that an increasing number of games barely even represent a challenge. Of course there are some lingering after-effects of where we found ourselves, but it feels like some are content to wallow in it still, and to keep on taking their medication long after the infection has cleared. If those in charge of the club had that same mentality we'd be stuck a mid-table League One club with a budget and players to match forevermore.
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