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Everything posted by GboroRam

  1. Have you not seen Martin Scorsese's Badfellas, specially ruined for TV version?
  2. Try searching antisemitism awareness week. Looks like lots of organisations have tried to create it. Why is Islamophobia month a thing and antisemitism awareness month isn't? Is it maybe because we are aware (well, I thought we were aware, but apparently arguing not to kill civilians is antisemitic, so perhaps I'm wrong) what antisemitism looks like, but Islamophobia is ignored, condoned and even seen as acceptable. The real answer is because someone has organised one and it's captured enough attention to get traction, the other for some reason hasn't. OK, I've answered your question that wasn't worthy of a response. Now you answer why nowhere else other than Gaza is shooting a human shield acceptable? It's morally repugnant, that's why. I await your lovely laughing emoji, because dead civilians is such a hoot.
  3. Your question is not worthy of a reply.
  4. That doesn't answer my question. Why is this barbaric response towards innocent people allowed? Name me any film where the cop executes the hostage, and justifies it as acceptable collateral damage? Why do you think there aren't any (or if there are any, why so few?)
  5. In what way does that justify systematic slaughter of innocent civilians? "oh, but they don't support democracy"? Why is such barbarism allowed? Hamas hide behind a human shield, so Israeli forces shoot the innocent people being used like that? Tell me one film where the bad guy takes a hostage, holds a gun to their head, and the cop unloads his full clip into both of them? Why is such a disproportionate response not only allowed, but actively defended?
  6. It's started doing something now. I just watched the worst advert ever. Daisy daisy daisy.
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