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Posts posted by admira

  1. On 30/10/2022 at 14:39, Yoxoram said:

    My view of the penalty was from the South Stand. My head dropped the moment Forsyth hung his leg out. It was 100% a penalty.

    My view was on the south stand concourse TV monitor from the ridiculously long and slow queue for a half time snack as I didn't have time for lunch. There never seems to be much urgency from the servers given the tight timeframe to get everyone served.

  2. 11 minutes ago, swanny said:

    Came is with another czech international Ivo Knoflicek in the Maxwell era. Some outrageously iffy deal, they got paraded at half time on the pitch then weirdly never played. Cant remember the full story, but i do remember being there that night (i think) and thnking that  I had seen the arrival of two future derby legends! 

    I still have the press cutting in a scrapbook!  Maybe i should post some of the images from it, some great memories

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