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Returning ram

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Everything posted by Returning ram

  1. I think everyone knew that we needed a striker, it wasn't a secret and they tried to get one in. They were even told one was coming, I'm not sure what more PW could do, I don't think he holds the purse stings.
  2. Is it ? Haven't we learnt from before, strikers are they rarest commodity and come at a premium. Rather than panicking and blame PW for the season collapsing just yet, aren't we best to see what happens. All I have heard for months is how bad this league is, if this is the case, then we will be fine.
  3. I wonder how many at start of season had him as an average league one manager and have now changed that to good ?
  4. Klopp after guiding Mainz to promotion in his first job, then got relegated a couple of seasons later. I think there are a lot of similarities between him and PW, both the way their careers are going and the way they play ๐Ÿ˜
  5. Bris turned me down, so yes a little friendly wager is good by me. More than happy for the caveat that he stays a full season, also you can add in any point deductions should they occur. Reminds me of old days when you would settle an argument with a bet in pub over a pint, rather than continue to go around in circles debating it ๐Ÿ˜Š
  6. I'd say it's both ways to be honest, you can go over most posts that knock PW and guarantee the same posters who will put a clap or like on it. Its almost as though it's getting to point scoring now, rather than talking about the football it feels as though every thread is turned into a PW debate.
  7. How about a little wager on it ๐Ÿ˜Š I'm confident to say that if we get promoted this season we stay up next ๐Ÿ˜
  8. Fair enough, although I read it as being what I said, that he hadnt turned up any trees in his first few years and no one could envisage what was to follow ๐Ÿ‘
  9. The post was that he didn't improve Derby the first season ? I believe, only from Wiki that he finished one place lower than the previous season. Was there anything in BCs previous career that suggested he would go onto the success he achieved ? I think that was the point of the post, not sure it was inaccurate?
  10. Interesting he says Bradley could do a job up top in the short term if needed ๐Ÿ˜
  11. Once again missing the point, my post was that reaching the PL has proved to so many elusive and difficult to achieve. We are writing a manager off that hasn't even attempted it yet. Why haven't you included money spent on transfers for interest ? To respond about failing spectacularly, playing 10 men for the majority of the game, being how many points clear in March and failing to even reach the play offs, what would you call that ?
  12. SM was given one of the best squads in the league and a budget only most could dream off, he was also actually in the champ at the time. PW has a team in Div 1 and would need to rebuild again once / if he gets us up, hence the timeframe. If that's your comparison there really isn't any point continuing the conversation, as it seems your expectations imo are unrealistic.
  13. You're missing the point, how can you judge him against something that has proven to be very difficult, where managers like Steve M have already spectacularly failed, with much bigger resources.
  14. Shows the mentality and probably lack of understanding by some fans if they are judging PW against an objective of getting to the PL. Billy D, Jim S and Arthur C are the only managers in my lifetime that have ever got us promoted and some are saying that PW will never do it, so sack him. Mel Morris comes to mind for some reason ๐Ÿ˜
  15. Collins pass into Barks was pure class, he was as influential as any player on the pitch getting the result. We often have this discussion with our team, your contribution off the ball is just as valued as on it, unfortunately you will always get the uneducated however who will never see this.
  16. It would be like some team tipped for relegation, soaking up the pressure and just hitting teams on the break, winning the PL. Never going to happen.
  17. We created 3 clear cut chances, compared to their 1... not sure why that is blinkered, also shows we deserved to win the game ๐Ÿคจ
  18. There is plenty there, it just seems that it doesn't meet your criteria, which is fair enough. I can see plenty of rationale for people supporting PW, results being the main factor of course, his recruitment against a business plan, his ability to set up teams to win games, the defensive record of the team, number of away wins etc. If the evidence isn't available yet to judge him, surely that works both ways ? I was lucky enough to get to the game yesterday, however I did have a quick read over the match thread, writing CBT off after not even a quarter of the game as bad as the other PWs signings for example is just having a dig for the sake of it, must really suck the fun out of that thread. I'm still not in a PW in or out camp, only that any manager should be given time regardless of who that is, however appreciate that everyone is entitled to their opinion whichever side they fall on, but imo there are posters, who no matter what he does, he will never be good enough for them.
  19. Sorry for delay replying, was a long trip back, not sure I understand the point. Injuries will always make you weaker, unless it only counts for other teams ?
  20. They played pretty football but never did I think it was good. I can see why it's referred to as pointless, it was slow, easy to defend against and safe. Chelsea have better players and did something similar in the first half the other night, that was also pointless, possession for possession sake. It may be good football in your eyes which is fair enough, but for me that type of slow football is not as good as our performance last night, which gave 3 goals and could have been more.
  21. Agree with this...I now remember why I don't like standing, not (just) because I'm old but the view is awful when you are so low down. It was very difficult at times to see what was gaining at the other end. Also a moan on the roadworks, why so many, 3am I arrived home.....all of it was worth it though ๐Ÿ˜
  22. You think that long ? I mean the list is getting shorter for things to blame him for, but inflation hasn't dropped this month...maybe his fault ?
  23. Derby lost DM, Knight, Dobbin, Robert's, Davies, have two forwards out injured...I could go on.
  24. Or the other team has better defenders or better keeper or if the ball takes a bobble, or etc etc etc. It was designed for betting purposes, it's not accurate, watching a game is a better reflection than any metrics. As per their website....Expected goals predicts the correct home team result 66% of the time and away results 58% of the time. This is slightly better than shots on target on the away results and slightly worse on the home results.
  25. Like all stats, they can be useful with context. Unfortunately like with most stats, they are often used without it to try to prove a point.
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