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Website building - help required


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I need some advice, I volunteer for a charity that needs a new website as the one they have is rubbish (they know that as well).

Currently the one they have is difficult to edit as the interface is dated and poorly designed.

They need one that is easier to interface with, as they update the site quite a lot. I was looking at 1 and 1, and they seem pretty good, as the site is information only and doesn't need a ecart as they don't sell anything.

So if anyone can offer some advice, it would be greatly appreciated.


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Sorry was going to reply but forgot, Wordpress would be my recommendation, really easy to use the back end and add/edit pages, even Boycie can do it.

I "think" you can use a free hosted version at Wordpress and use your own domain name, or if you have your own host with the ability to have a MySQL database as it's for charity I'd be willing to donate some of my Playstation playing time and install Wordpress and copy over your existing content and show you the ropes.

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