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Vicious Scum beat 94yr old lady


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What a remarkable lady she was, to be able to recall what had happened and help the police. And then how courageous of the family to allow photos of her to be shown in the press.

It is tragic that she has passed away after a brave fight aginst the effects of these horrific injuries, apparently inflicted for no other reason than sadistic gratification. she and the family have done everything they can to get the message out that this type of mindless brutality will not be tolerated in a so-called civilised society.

The most fitting memorial to this lady may appear to be the punishment of the perpetrators but I hope that the broader message is achieved......Thus far and no further

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t went to a neighbourhood forum last night and was told that figures for all types of crime are falling in the area and that I live in a safe part of Sandwell, (Out of Birmingham by about 200 yards) So did thid dear lady.

One is left to wonder if intensive policing in one area merely tends to movr the hardened criminals to previously "no go areas".

It is comforting to know that the police are doing everything within their power to prevent crime but their numbers are bing cut and, naturally, concentrated on known trouble spots.

Let us hope that this does not lead to more opportunist crimes in areas known to be considered safe and to require less policing.

This would not stop such awful incidents as this but may help folk to sleep more easily.

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