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Party/Alcohol discussion

Alex W

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We could all go teetotal, stop smoking, become vegetarians and run twenty miles a day but that would still not stop some everyone having a coronary before 60, so I'm glad the NHS is there for us.

It's there for everyone and we can't start limiting who can have it and who can't.

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We could all go teetotal, stop smoking, become vegetarians and run twenty miles a day but that would still not stop some everyone having a coronary before 60, so I'm glad the NHS is there for us.

It's there for everyone and we can't start limiting who can have it and who can't.

I am not saying that it shouldn't be available to people who deserve it, but in my opinion it shouldn't be available to everyone. There's very little motivation for people these days. If you don't work hard and do well at school, the government will bail you out. If you don't look after your body, the government will bail you out.

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so people wouldn't be alcoholics if there wasn't an NHS, people wouldn't self harm etc, of course they would people wouldn't change how they live except they would be poorer because of health insurance, all that would change is that they would suffer without proper care, which would damage our society profoundly. A duty of government is to look after it's people, not too let them suffer.

Edin all you see is the actions, you fail to see the causes behind those actions, your thinking is flawed and it seems dominated by money, the benefits system is a safety net and while it has been abused and it does need to be tightened up a little it shouldn't be disregarded. Everyone deserves good health care free at the point of use, not a case by case analysis of drinking how much have they drunk etc which is difficult if not impossible to determine in many cases. We all make mistakes and it is ridiculous to essentially condemn someone to death because they wouldn't receive a stomach pump because they "didn't deserve it" a lot of your thinking is motivated by monetary gain, I feel sorry you think it is vitally important how much money you have i bet you live a sad life.

Also using your theory we could say homophobes can't use the nhs as they don't deserve to live in a free society, but i believe EVERYONE deserves free health care.

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so people wouldn't be alcoholics if there wasn't an NHS, people wouldn't self harm etc, of course they would people wouldn't change how they live except they would be poorer because of health insurance, all that would change is that they would suffer without proper care, which would damage our society profoundly. A duty of government is to look after it's people, not too let them suffer.

Edin all you see is the actions, you fail to see the causes behind those actions, your thinking is flawed and it seems dominated by money, the benefits system is a safety net and while it has been abused and it does need to be tightened up a little it shouldn't be disregarded. Everyone deserves good health care free at the point of use, not a case by case analysis of drinking how much have they drunk etc which is difficult if not impossible to determine in many cases. We all make mistakes and it is ridiculous to essentially condemn someone to death because they wouldn't receive a stomach pump because they "didn't deserve it" a lot of your thinking is motivated by monetary gain, I feel sorry you think it is vitally important how much money you have i bet you live a sad life.

Also using your theory we could say homophobes can't use the nhs as they don't deserve to live in a free society, but i believe EVERYONE deserves free health care.

You are the one that is obsessed with money, my thinking has absolutely nothing to do with it. You first said I was discriminating against the poor, wrong. It's about respect, some people have none, for themselves or others. So they don't deserve my respect either.

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You are the one that is obsessed with money, my thinking has absolutely nothing to do with it. You first said I was discriminating against the poor, wrong. It's about respect, some people have none, for themselves or others. So they don't deserve my respect either.

"Why should I pay my hard earn tax to help someone when they have done this to themselves? " that was your comment using monetary terms and a reason to do with finance. Also when have i mentioned money which would make you presume i am obsessed by it?

where did i say directly you were discriminating against the poor? If you abolished the NHS and made it into a health insurance premium then it would affect the poor more than any other category as it does in America, well the nhs isn't about respect or judging, it is about care edin, as long as it is about care then judging won't come into play, no staff in the NHS are supposed to judge what patients have done and are supposed to give equal care to everyone.

Again you don't address the underlying causes of why people self harm, drink themselves into an abyss, more often than not there are severe underlying factors edin, which of course you don't and won't understand.

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"Why should I pay my hard earn tax to help someone when they have done this to themselves? " that was your comment using monetary terms and a reason to do with finance. Also when have i mentioned money which would make you presume i am obsessed by it?

where did i say directly you were discriminating against the poor? If you abolished the NHS and made it into a health insurance premium then it would affect the poor more than any other category as it does in America, well the nhs isn't about respect or judging, it is about care edin, as long as it is about care then judging won't come into play, no staff in the NHS are supposed to judge what patients have done and are supposed to give equal care to everyone.

Again you don't address the underlying causes of why people self harm, drink themselves into an abyss, more often than not there are severe underlying factors edin, which of course you don't and won't understand.

Weak people

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Again you don't address the underlying causes of why people self harm, drink themselves into an abyss, more often than not there are severe underlying factors edin, which of course you don't and won't understand.

None of us do. If we did the problems could be fixed.

But a lot of the arguments for pro-private healthcare that I've heard from Americans are based on the idea that if you look after yourself you'll never need it.

But it isn't that simple. There are a lot of anomalies. Some people are thin, have never smoked, drink little and exercise a lot but can still end up keeling over in their early 40s due to heart disease or cancer. Then there's some people who are fat smoking drinkers who live into their 70s.

If we were to stop certain people receiving healthcare it would be complicated.

What about reformed alcoholics? Or ex-smokers? People who've lost all their weight? Would they be excluded because it's their own fault?

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