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Is Clough the reason.....


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I dont any of us have a clue either way why I player would or would not join us. We dont know if its for money or clough or a combintaion of both. A lot of loan enquiries we dont even find out about so saying either way is pointless. No one could say its the money any more than they could say its clough.

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I think its more when players have a choice of us or somewhere else, like Commons going to Celtic and Moore to swansea sort of thing.

Commons went to Celtic so he could play in Europe, to further his international career, and for the extra bit of money.

Moore went to Swansea because they are going well, and they offered him a permanent deal instead of a loan.

I really don't get this 'players hate Clough' and 'he's a crap man-manager' thing at all.

Maybe he doesn't do things the way we might expect, but that doesn't make it bad.

If it really was the case I think we might have seen one or two transfer requests in January, particularly from the likes of Cywka, and others who Clough has criticised (most of the team really).

I haven't seen any evidence that players are unhappy, and given the last few performances I'd say they are really giving everything for him.

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I really don't get this 'players hate Clough' and 'he's a crap man-manager' thing at all.

Maybe he doesn't do things the way we might expect, but that doesn't make it bad.

If it really was the case I think we might have seen one or two transfer requests in January, particularly from the likes of Cywka, and others who Clough has criticised (most of the team really).

I haven't seen any evidence that players are unhappy, and given the last few performances I'd say they are really giving everything for him.

I think it was Colin Bloomfield on RD tonight said that he was talking to some players 'off mic' and they were saying that nobody in the dressing room has a problem with Clough.

I really think that there just isn't an issue, only in the minds of some fans; people who clearly know nothing about being a footballer or a manager, making their own assumptions.

Also, in response to those who were moaning about 'winning ugly' on Saturday, Big Roger was talking about the 2nd championship winning season nicking a few one-nil-ers; getting battered for 90 minutes but sneaking a goal, and how satifying those wins are for players, even if fans don't like it.

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