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Matchday Live Trial v Portsmouth


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Thought it was great Boycie tbh, when you are out of Radio Derby range it keeps you up to date with what's happening.

Once everyone had sorted out the login process, or got their Mrs to open them a facebook account, it was a doddle:redface:

Well done mate and don't let the critics deter you.

Ta very much.:)

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It was good.

One sugestion I have is that

if you can set it up, the blog is still available to read from the start

Not in real time. Can't follow next weeks Leicester match Live as it starts at after 2 am here in Japan. If you could set it so the whole blog can be read from the start again, that would be great.

The old DET Matchday Live looked almost identical but without the commercials, suppose thats how you managed to fund it, or set it up for free. When I tried to load up last Saturdays blog just now, it was frozen at the start of the blog.

Anyway, enjoyed the matchtime banter.

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