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Glick Q & A in the DET

Hartley Hare

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I would ask why the toilet floors are always covered in piss?

Because Boone can aim straight and are such a rush to get the half time cigarette.

Amsterdam airport used to put stickers of flies onto urinals to give us blokes something to aim at. Dribblage was halves overnight.

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I'd have just one simple question:-

Is the current level of called up share capital (excuding any investor loans,which is actually implied in my question) within General Sports Derby Partners LLC in excess of $65m?

I'd be reasonably happy with a "yes" answer and slightly concerned with a "no".

Some may say that he'd never answer this question-my reply would be that for the vast majority of clubs,precise information would be available at Companies House.The fact that GSDP LLC is a US registered company (with reporting exemptions) hides this information from us.I'm not even asking for the actual figure to be divulged.

Bloody hell Ramb' hate to see a complicated question from you.:eek:

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Doesn't look like Pete's made it over here (yet), so, on his behalf;

"Where's the rest of the £50m you promised.....?" :D

au contraire Blackadder!

I promised myself that I wouldn't bring that argument with me to this BB, but it's 'on subject', so here's the questions I've asked...

(bearing in mind I think this is still a PR stunt - gets to see the questions, picks the ones that he can give a good answer to and no ability to challenge the answers. And funny how he's doing this on the back of two great performances and a decent away draw, but I guess we'll never know if this was coming anyway. Still, it's worth asking the questions).

1. What exactly is a Barker type fee? It was reported as £900K, yet we (according to Mr Glick) offered double 'a Barker type fee' for Gary Hooper, who went for £2.4million, which would mean we paid in excess of £1.2million for Barker. However, we reportedly paid Crewe c£400K for Brayford and Bailey, yet Mr Glick said the combined fee for both was equal to a Barker Fee. Did we really pay £1.2 million for them, or did we offer Ssausagehorpe £1.8million for Barker - way below his club's valuation? I'm just confused about what level we're supposedly shopping at as the sums don't add up.

2. Jamie Mackie was regarded as not worth the value at £500K, yet £450K is considered a good return for our leading scorer and player of the year, Rob Hulse who, in the words of Warnock, "was offered to us at a price too good to turn down for a player of his quality". These are reported as being the manager's decisions - as was releasing Luke Varney - who tore through Liverpool's defence at the weekend and looked pretty good value for a place in our team in the one appearance we saw he allowed to make for us.

Is Mr Glick seriously suggesting that our manager is such a bad judge of players, or is the real truth that these are 'footballing decisions', made by a manager who has been told he needs to strip even more money out of the wage bill, therefore he's trying to build the best team possible given the limited financial resources at his disposal? Strange for a company with no financial difficulties.

3. Finally, will he answer the question raised by Mr Gadsby as to what has happened to the rest of the supposed £50million GSE takeover: £18million for shares, £22million to pay off debts, plus £10million for players? As Mr Gadsby was the outgoing chairman, surely he was privvy to the substance of the deal? Until this question is answered honestly, then it will always hang over GSE's tenure at the club; as the £21million defecit between that promised and the amounts shown in the accounts as actually being invested, would make a huge difference to what our outstanding young manager is able to achieve.

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