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Weird one, anyone on here ever had/know someone who has had Guillain-Barré syndrome? Rare condition that has affected me recently and was wondering if anyone else has any experience with it as specific details of recovery and rehabilitation process are hard to come by. I understand this is a longshot and whilst i  appreciate everyone is affected in different ways and has different recoveries with GBS, it would be interesting and -hopefully-encouraging to hear from other people about their experience. Cheers?

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On 02/08/2022 at 14:41, BrudeRAM said:

Weird one, anyone on here ever had/know someone who has had Guillain-Barré syndrome? Rare condition that has affected me recently and was wondering if anyone else has any experience with it as specific details of recovery and rehabilitation process are hard to come by. I understand this is a longshot and whilst i  appreciate everyone is affected in different ways and has different recoveries with GBS, it would be interesting and -hopefully-encouraging to hear from other people about their experience. Cheers?

I have no experience of this Brude, but just wishing you the very best in terms of both treatment and coping with the condition. Hopefully like the Rams, you will soon be on the way up.

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