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Who ate all the pies?....you lot!


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You lot did you fat bar stewards!

I open up my tabloid this morning to be greeted by an article on fatties, not just any fatties but the fattiest fatties across England, where do those fatties live?....Derby

Who ate all the pies? Derby it seems.

The East Midlands city topped our charts as the fattest place in Britain based on body-mass index.

The average for the whole country in the scores matching height and weight put the UK in the "overweight" category.

And Derby's 28.9 rating in the YouGov poll findings was the highest of the lot.

With the article is a lovely snap of a couple of fatties munching down on a greggs.

So what have you got to say about then fatties? and don't blame the Darts players Trig ;)

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