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Getting it tomorrow with free box and installation plus 1 yrs free HD.

Put me own cables in as they wont grovel under floorboards incase they get there overals dirty.

Should I ask for a refund? mmmwahaha!

Me remotes playing up on the old digibox, will they carry new ones dus recon? and will they now be liable for free repairs on me multi room now they've got me for another year?

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HD is OK, bit overrated. What's the point?

I mean, they say you can pick out every blade of grass, but who wants to watch the grass? And as for pr0n, who wants to watch Nina Hartley get anally stretched in that high quality anyway?

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I don't see a massive difference, then again I can barely see owt now as computer screens have frazzled my eyes.

All my mates bang on about HD and how great it is, Blue Ray blah blah, you can stick it up your jacksy for me.

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I don't see a massive difference, then again I can barely see owt now as computer screens have frazzled my eyes.

All my mates bang on about HD and how great it is, Blue Ray blah blah, you can stick it up your jacksy for me.

If your XBox was in SD and not HD you'd notice.

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im with you daveo i cant tell the difference either, and i spent 10mins flicking between hd to standard when watching the football once, but damned if i could of told you which one is better

and on the xbox, nope i cant tell then either, i play through a hdmi cable and to be honest the graphics look the same to as if i wasnt

its a big massive con

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The Pacific should be good in HD.

The HD/SD makes a massive difference in console gaming. When you first play your XBox in HD you won't notice a massive difference. But then if you see the console in SD it looks crappy.

the pacific i need to upgrade to watch it :mad:

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I'm waiting for the DVD of the Pacific. CBA with Sky Box Office.

What pisses me off about Sky is whatever package you buy you get bombarded with adverts for all the other stuff you don't have.

Sky Box Office is a joke it's as if people don't pay enough for Sky already.

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I got me install, even though I did most of the work. Bless him, he was like a dog with 2 dick when he saw the cables already in for him.

Well, HD? yeah it is a bit better. The 3D sample screen does look good though.

Anyway, I got a free remote from him and kept me old dish for me caravan so I can watch me sky when I'm out Tarmacing. (beat you lot too it, you feckers!:mad:)

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