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How long will it be?


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Time for a long rant here.

Every member of this forum could write a list as long as their bog roll of things they hate about the modern game. Hundreds of things could be listed that range from the excessive money to the blatant corruption of a football association that has the audacity to exist in a country reliant on democracy.

For far too long the FA and FIFA have become more and more corrupt as years have gone by. For far too long money has increased to pour into the English football league from the rest of the world even through rather conspicuous cash flows turning it into an elite.

Wages have risen insanely. Transfer fees have rocketed. In the current system, finance makes it impossible for most professional football clubs in England to ever win the league. A prestigious title fought for by 92 for many years can now only be fought for by 4.

A corrupt FA has completely failed to represent the interests of football as it has started to represent the interests of money and selling the game as "entertainment" to television broadcasters across the globe.

It is clear that the FA have an agenda to keep its super mega top 4 at the top because it is well-known. It sells merchandise, it sells to TV companies and it brings more interest to English football so more money can arrive via oil ships to benefit it. All this was great once with the excitement of having a "Premier League" that shone to the world as much as the NFL. However the FA has prostituted English football.

So far 21st century football has seen a small number of clubs dominate, small clubs go under and fold, numerous amounts of cheating on the pitch and clubs wheeling and dealing in their boardrooms. Clubs can't have a talented player in their side without the fear of his inevitable exodus to a bigger club.

The FA have failed to do anything about what is completely ****** up in the English game. It has ignored excessive cheating, it allows a small number of people to bend the rules to their advantage resulting in them staying in the higher league positions. It has continually made new rules to favour the small number at the rest's expense, for example the introduction of the transfer window.

FIFA have also failed. They failed to punish a team for a blatant act of cheating that if hadn't happened, would have allowed a team to fairly qualify for the world cup. A team's achievement was robbed for them in broad daylight as FIFA announced they would take no action. Who can we rely on to stand up for the interests of football now? :mad:

All of what I have typed I'm sure you know (unless you have been blinded and walk round Derby wearing a Man Utd shirt :p). Though the point of this is that we can't rely on football's governing body any more. The whole league system will soon turn to **** if people are not punished for breaking the rules. What is the point in rules if they can be broken without penalty?

How long will it be before a new FIFA has to be formed? :confused: It might be the only option for football if the current system fails to act like one properly and fairly. Soon an alternative governing body may have to be formed, with alternative new leagues, new teams and everything just so football can be played fairly. A bit like how FC United were formed as an alternative to Manchester United as they were turned to a business.

What do you think?

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We have Rugby League and Rugby Union, maybe it is time for Football Union...

The guy that sits behind me at football matches is from poland, and he was saying the Polish FA is massively corrupt to the extent teams and fans alike have started boycotting them - maybe it is time for a football revolution

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I love football but it doesn't have integrity any more.

I think a new FA should be made in protest of the original. Football can start from scratch like it did over a hundred years ago.

I wish I was joking in this thread but I'm not. Cheating isn't punished and some teams will now never win the Premier League title. Floating around the lower leagues isn't an incentive for fickle fans so more and more will flock to the big four.

Sadly, both Derby County and Nottingham Forest are more likely to wind up or fall into liquidation than they are to win the Premiership.

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agrred and well put joe

a football revolution would be good, but the problem is i dont think it would ever acheive much, sadly the only way you could make a diffrence would be to vote with your wallet, but sadly i think we at a stage where tv revenue means more to most clubs than there actual fans.

and this is the root of the problem, sky has injected so much money into the game that the money has taken away the heart and soul of the game, i think the sooner the governing bodies instigate rules to limit the debt, wages at the clubs the sooner the game will gain little bit of its dignity back.

all it will take would be a president with a pair of balls, to punish the big guys, and take a stand against the mass corruption, sadly the chances of getting the job, without having the money back you is none existent, even if every normal fan in the country can see its what the game wants

blatter is everything football represents at the minute it its corrupted bloated state. platini on the other hand has tried to take a stand but finds it hard to put accross his ideas, he may dislike the english game, but we are the heart of the money in world football, with the biggest debts which platini is against

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Great post BARR.

It may take one man to sort it out but what if he is never born? Will football's integrity be six feet under for ever?

thanks, i think there are people out there, its just getting to the seat of power thats the probelm, itll happen one day i just hope its sooner rather than later

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thats the problem isn't it? getting a decent man who will take on the big clubs into that position of authority in order to get things on a more level playing field.

all that sky have done with their money is make the top 4 clubs richer,more powerful and i think that they think they are bullet-proof.

maybe when Platini takes over from Blatter we may see some improvement, i hope so anyway

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Time for a long rant here.

Every member of this forum could write a list as long as their bog roll of things they hate about the modern game. Hundreds of things could be listed that range from the excessive money to the blatant corruption of a football association that has the audacity to exist in a country reliant on democracy.

For far too long the FA and FIFA have become more and more corrupt as years have gone by. For far too long money has increased to pour into the English football league from the rest of the world even through rather conspicuous cash flows turning it into an elite.

Wages have risen insanely. Transfer fees have rocketed. In the current system, finance makes it impossible for most professional football clubs in England to ever win the league. A prestigious title fought for by 92 for many years can now only be fought for by 4.

A corrupt FA has completely failed to represent the interests of football as it has started to represent the interests of money and selling the game as "entertainment" to television broadcasters across the globe.

It is clear that the FA have an agenda to keep its super mega top 4 at the top because it is well-known. It sells merchandise, it sells to TV companies and it brings more interest to English football so more money can arrive via oil ships to benefit it. All this was great once with the excitement of having a "Premier League" that shone to the world as much as the NFL. However the FA has prostituted English football.

So far 21st century football has seen a small number of clubs dominate, small clubs go under and fold, numerous amounts of cheating on the pitch and clubs wheeling and dealing in their boardrooms. Clubs can't have a talented player in their side without the fear of his inevitable exodus to a bigger club.

The FA have failed to do anything about what is completely ****** up in the English game. It has ignored excessive cheating, it allows a small number of people to bend the rules to their advantage resulting in them staying in the higher league positions. It has continually made new rules to favour the small number at the rest's expense, for example the introduction of the transfer window.

FIFA have also failed. They failed to punish a team for a blatant act of cheating that if hadn't happened, would have allowed a team to fairly qualify for the world cup. A team's achievement was robbed for them in broad daylight as FIFA announced they would take no action. Who can we rely on to stand up for the interests of football now? :mad:

All of what I have typed I'm sure you know (unless you have been blinded and walk round Derby wearing a Man Utd shirt :p). Though the point of this is that we can't rely on football's governing body any more. The whole league system will soon turn to **** if people are not punished for breaking the rules. What is the point in rules if they can be broken without penalty?

How long will it be before a new FIFA has to be formed? :confused: It might be the only option for football if the current system fails to act like one properly and fairly. Soon an alternative governing body may have to be formed, with alternative new leagues, new teams and everything just so football can be played fairly. A bit like how FC United were formed as an alternative to Manchester United as they were turned to a business.

What do you think?

Cut and Paste of the week Award me thinks LOL!

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I could't agree more Joe.

The game is run by senile freeloaders with corruption at every level from the grass roots to the very top.

It seems to me that the only honest people in the game are the fans who have no say in any of the decisions made by the FA.

I can't see anything changing unless the fans make it happen.

Sorry to be a miserable old git but thats the way I see it.

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  • 4 months later...

Joe's Ultimate Football Reform Manifesto.

I'm in another fiery mood for obvious reasons.

The FA needs to stop being so money orientated and introduce rules that will benefit English football and not business.

The Bundesliga has been using the Jabulani ball all season which has helped the league's players to get used to it. We have not been able to implement this in the Premier League due to corporate sponsorship deals with Nike. This is one example of practicality coming second place to business.

If we are ever going to win a world cup and make football fair, we must:

Introduce a salary cap on the Premier League. In my opinion we should make it £50,000 p/w and allow clubs to offer a contract above this weekly figure to just ONE player. The MLS operates a similar rule.

Enable Universities and public schools to offer a range of scholarships to young footballing talents and introduce an American style drafting system in which the bottom club gets first pick. Though allow club's academies to exist.

Impose a limit on how much sponsorship money teams can get. If the American Insurance Group and the Emirates Group are going to make the rich richer how can we let this happen?

Remove the glitz and glamour from the game. Remove flashing electronic advertising boards, make shirt sponsorships more conspicuous with smaller logos and prevent Premier League players signing sponsorship deals with the likes of Adidas and Nike that are giving them silly cash just to wear boots. Doing basic things like this would make the game far less money orientated.

Discourage the lavish styles of footballers being continually reported. Encourage the mentality of enjoying football in grassroots as an incentive rather than pots of gold and Lamborghinis. Sounds easier said than done I know.

Introduce an internal taxing system that enforces clubs to pay 20% of their annual profits in order to help grass roots and lower league clubs.

Limit the merchandise clubs can sell. Limit changing of kits to every five years in the Premier League. How many kids over the world buy Manchester United's new shirt compared to however many buy Tranmere Rovers' new shirt? Just another case of the rich getting richer.

For pete's sake introduce goal line technology. Allowing such astonishing decisions to be made is lunacy. Make an appeal system like tennis allowing a maximum of three appeals per half for a team.

Teams must have a limited of five players from outside the UK and Ireland in their team.

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It's too late Joe, football is a business first and sport second.

The FA needs to be so money orientated to survive, we might not like it but it's true, sponsorships, tv rights etc. is what keeps football ticking over and it will only get worse, look at kit sponsorship for a start for years it's been one sponsor in the middle of the shirt, now its one on the back of the shirt and shorts, they will be running billboards in a few more years and you won't see any white left on a Derby shirt (possible over exaggeration).

Premiership wage cap, never going to happen or if it does it will be set at a insane amount, why would they bring in something that would prevent clubs from bringing the World's best players to the Premiership? As I say it's too late and it needed to be brought in by FIFA and UEFA about 10 years ago across all leagues.

Limit merchandise sales why? all that would do is send sales of fake shirts through the roof on dodgy internet sites and clubs will miss out on money, I don't think it would be even legal to limit the income a club can take.

Goal line technology on the other hand I fully expect to see in English football at least by the start of the 11/1 season after yesterday.

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If it's too late, then Derby will never win the Premier League. The big four will continue to dominate English football and get richer. Smaller clubs will continue to get into administration. England will never win the world cup.

I'm often starting to wonder what the point of being a football fan is if you don't support Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal or Liverpool.

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If it's too late, then Derby will never win the Premier League. The big four will continue to dominate English football and get richer. Smaller clubs will continue to get into administration. England will never win the world cup.

That is all 100% correct, don't tell me you have just realised this?

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That is all 100% correct, don't tell me you have just realised this?

I realised it in about 2007 but when typing it out it makes the truth seem horribly depressing.

As I said, I'm often starting to wonder what the point of being a football fan is if you don't support Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal or Liverpool. What do you reckon?

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It depends what your expectations are for the club you support I guess, the missus Dad is a Grimsby Town fan, goes most weeks when not at work, I'm sure I don't even have to ask him if he thinks Grimsby will ever win the Premiership as I know the answer.

Does that stop him from going? nope, talking to him and he said he's still off next season and even if they get relegated again he'l still go. It's his hometown club and will always go and watch them no matter what league they are in.

Just support Derby for what they are, hometown club and the main ambition is for Premiership stability, the target doesnt always have to be the best.

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I realised it in about 2007 but when typing it out it makes the truth seem horribly depressing.

As I said, I'm often starting to wonder what the point of being a football fan is if you don't support Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal or Liverpool. What do you reckon?

I reckon the catalyst for change will be one of those 4 going bust.

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