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Homeless People


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On 5.4.2018 at 07:36, Gritters said:

You make it sound like the kids have turned 15 - 16 and the parents have said right pack your bags. I suspect in most cases that is not the case. A lot of 15 - 16 year olds seem to think that when they get to that age the house rules don't count anymore and they get this adolescent attitude that they think they know best and have been there and done it. They also get into trouble with the police and get in with the wrong crowd. Some get involved with petty crime and drugs. 

All this while treating the house like a doss hole or hotel.  Most parents are at there whits end and don't know what to do until the day come where they give the child the ultimatum that they change their ways or go. That is how a lot end up out of home.

It's not as simple as that, unfortunately. Many of the parents have issues with crime, drink and drugs themselves, and home isn't always a happy place.

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2 hours ago, StivePesley said:

Cheers - I did suspect that might have been why it disappeared

None of this surprises me in the least - 20 years ago I was working in the agency that administered Adult & Youth Training schemes on behalf of the government. We were throwing money at companies to partake in training schemes, but really all a lot of the companies saw was a chance to subsidise employment costs. We had govt targets to hit so we weren't about to turn down any company that wanted to partake (and the audits were always done against the "good" companies)

I suppose what confused me in your original post was that you seemed to be blaming immigrants for it?




what extremely well-educated immigrants signing up for £3.50 per hour? it's not there or anybody else's fault they are being taken for granted, the whole system is taking the piss.


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49 minutes ago, LesterRam said:

what extremely well-educated immigrants signing up for £3.50 per hour? it's not there or anybody else's fault they are being taken for granted, the whole system is taking the piss.


Sorry - I can't really remember what the point was and how it related to the homeless, but yeah - the system is being abused by companies and the govt don't have any incentive to crack-down as their figures won't look so good in the press release. As you say it's everyone that signs up that is being taken advantage of - nothing to do with immigration

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The Thatcherite/Tebbitite in me wants to grumble, but I can't.

We need lots more social housing, but we need it done cleverly so as not to create more sink estates.

Corbyn's promise to build 1m affordable homes sounds like a start. The problem is, I don't believe he's capable of running the pub meat draw, let alone the country. Theresa May probably isn't the answer either.

Vote needles at the next election. I'm going to try to improve public finances by a 100% tax on football shirts. This may be unpopular, so I'm going to trial it on red shirts only to start with.

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