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Radio Derby Phone in 11/01/10


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oh my god!

what a sorry state of affairs this has got to!

when a team captain has got nothing better to do than air his own opinions against a radio hack.

i dont know who,s more childish honestly.(cloughy you should have done this!)

ok gibson is a concieted bighead that hides behind the radio and thinks he,s some sort of hero that gives him a cult status(i did say cult honest)

i understand savages point of view also when he says that local radio should be getting behind the rams 100% and even though times are desperate at the moment ,we should ALL give derby 110% support.

negativity breeds negativity.

the underlying factor here is that the blame lays with the board,

the manager can only pi ss with the pr ick he,s got ,if the boss aint getting full support from the board then the battle really is lost!

take a look at forests owner nigel doughty, he,s ploughed all HIS OWN $$ into the club that he loves(do our board love the club? no they love $$$)

i for one am guilty of slating the players and boss , purely out of frustration towards the board and thier total lack of ambition.

let gibson get glick on his station and use what bit of journalistic skill he has to get some HONEST answers from them.

all we want as rams fans is the truth !

either the board invest heavily or the can sell to someone like doughty!

we deserve so much more than these clowns.

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do you really think thats how our captain should behave?

loudmouthing it live on a local radio station?.......what would clough senior be thinking if he heard it.

imagine john terry, gerrard, giggs doing that?

yes gibson is a tool but hes just a poxy radio presenter.

savage is 'supposedly' a professional footaller.

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Time after time Savage has made himself look a complete tit in the media and he'l continue to do so until the day he leaves this club.

If Savage is putting 100% thats great, but why make a big song and dance about it?. Isn't that what he's paid 10k+ pw to do? granted alot of the team could take a leaf out of Savages book on the pitch in terms of effort, But in terms of skill and talent he's found wanting game after game.

I really don't understand why we got rid of Tito Villa if effort is all that matters, that guy would run around the pitch for 90 mins, then run around for another 90 mins if needed. Maybe if he came out in the media each weeking kissing Clough's arse then he'd still be at the club and starting each week regardless of form and fitness.

I see already his rant has made it on to 5 Live, BBC Sport Website and other clubs forums. He's an embarrasment to the club and it's the last thing we need in our current situation. Tonight if he felt that strongly, he should of came on and urged the fans for there support and not to boo the team tomorrow regardless of performance. An apology on behalf of the rest of the team for Saturday's performance wouldn't of gone a miss either.

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do you really think thats how our captain should behave?

loudmouthing it live on a local radio station?.......what would clough senior be thinking if he heard it.

imagine john terry, gerrard, giggs doing that?

yes gibson is a tool but hes just a poxy radio presenter.

savage is 'supposedly' a professional footaller.

...Frank Lampard...

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Problem is after last night Sav will be wound up, he'l be charging round the pitch more than ever tonight leaving himself out of position, which will leave space in the middle of the pitch for Millwall to take advantage of. By half time he'l be knackered and chasing shaddows for the rest of the game.

I'm starting to worry now about tonight, not that I want a cup run but I don't want a heavy loss at home against Millwall either.

I hope I'm wrong and he goes out there and keeps a level head and focuses on his own job tonight.

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I thought Savage had a point with Gibson.His criticism of bloomfield was nonsense.Where he went wrong was to try and justify the credentials of the backroom staff. "Andy Garner,good lower league player".Bloody ridiculous.Besides if we had 5 ex world cup winners on the coaching staff if doesnt guarantee they can coach,and/or have the right attitude to players,and know how to deal with them.

His big mistake was to ring up later on.He spoke utter garbage.He basically admitted players were tossing it off for good wages.Trying to justify his commitment by stating he took a massive pay cut.Robbie,the only reason you took the pay cut was because we were ther only team prepared to give you a contract.Asking Roger Davies why he didnt do his radio work for free was bizarre.

If anything,last nights farce confirmed that there is a deep rooted problem at the club.I like Savage and I dont complain about his captaincy,but im beginning to wonder who is in charge at Derby,is it Clough or Savage?

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I thought it was all very strange, Robbie Savage should do his talking on the pitch! Yes he is club captain but i still dont think it was his place to ring the local radio station, he has put in a few poor performances himself recently along with others, perhaps they should look at themselves and take some responsibility! He should also remember that 30,000 people are turning up week in week out to watch absolute sh!te and paying hard earned cash to do so!!

The reason the rumours have probably started is because some of the players look like they couldnt give a crap when out on the pitch! So thats obviously going to spark rumours of unrest!!

I like Savage, but the people who think he cares about this club and loves this club etc etc.. need to wake up! he still gets paid no matter what and alot of the time this season he has seemed more interested in being on the T.V or Radio!

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Vicky, i know you love Sav and worship everything he does but seriously how can you be proud of his 'performance' on BBC Derby?

He came across as a no nothing tit, whilst throwing nonsense arguments at the presenters he categorically refused to actually answer the 'searching questions' you all wanted asking... and he basically admitted the club has no money and will not improve, that this is your lot for the foreseeable future...

Then he decided he hadn't embarrassed himself of his club enough and phoned in to talk even more tripe...

The guy is an embarrassment to Derby County, and to Football in general... yes he has passion, but so does a 5 year old that doesn't want to go to bed, that doesn't make his rants something you want to make public... he needs to know when to shut up and wind his neck in...

sorry, but he's an absolute disgrace... show the passion on the pitch not in a phone in

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well that was all a little bit embarrasing wasnt it, ive not checked but i bet we are currently the laughing stock of the footballing world, again, its not funny anymore.

lets hope this sparks something on the pitch, cause thats what he gets paid to do. if not i hope he comes under some flack from those going tonight

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