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Ghost Plane


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Anyone see this?. Only just heard about it but haven't heard if it has been explained yet:



MORE people have come forward saying they too witnessed the flight of a mysterious plane travelling over Derbyshire.

The first reported sighting of the large prop-driven aeroplane was from Richard and Helen Jephson.

Richard, 52, and his wife, Helen, were out in their car in Rowsley at around 2.30pm on Monday, August 3 when they saw it.

Business  advisor Richard said the plane, which he said looked like a Lancaster bomber, was so low that it looked like it was going to crash.

He said: "My car window was open and this plane was so low that you could touch it – but it was completely silent.

"We sort of braced ourselves for a crash but nothing happened."

Now other people have come forward to say that they also saw the plane as well – but in a different part of the county.

George Furnace lives at St Mary's Nursing Home , in Ednaston.

He spent three years in an RAF ground crew and said he saw it from his bedroom window.

The 88-year-old said: "I heard it coming before I saw it. It was deafeningly loud but seemingly nobody else saw or heard it. It was flying very low and I went to my window to see if it had crashed.

"I don't think it was a Lancaster, I know what they look like. I think it appeared to be more like a Liberator."

The Liberator was an American-made heavy bomber with four props. It was used in the Second World War by the RAF.

There is a B24 Liberator still in the UK at the museum at RAF Hendon.

George said: "Nobody believed me when I said that I had seen it but, after that couple came forward, my daughter showed me the report and I said to her that she had to believe me now!"

And golfer Richard Burley, 64, from Mickleover, also rang the Derby Telegraph offices to explain how he had seen the plane's low flight across the county.

Richard was travelling along the A52 from Buxton to Derby when he saw the plane travelling south-west across the sky, just before Brailsford, between 3pm and 3.30pm.

He said: "It was flying very, very low but there are quite a lot of trees at the point, so I couldn't get a very good look at it.

"It was definitely not a Lancaster, it was much smaller than that, but I couldn't be sure.

"It had camo (camouflage) colouring and an antenna at the front. I couldn't believe that nobody else had seen it!"




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Heard the story from Richard & his wife last week on BBC Radio Derby, was engrossed listening in, first time i'd ever heard of the phenomenon! Usually when people tell these stories they sound a bit loopy,and can write them off.. but that Richard chap seemed genuine! I still remain a sceptic though...

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raf said there was a Hercules flying at the time of the report. The no sound report could appear strange but I once saw a Herc flying low when I was driving on woodhead. It was in the valley and appeared to be flying level with my car. I heard no sound also, maybe some quark of sound being deflected by the valley walls or summat.

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There are an awful lot of air displays around at the moment.

I was at the Blackpool AirShow on Sunday and Monday this week (absolutely brilliant, and completely free) featuring so many goodies (e.g. a Vulcan on Sunday and a B17 yesterday) - many of these planes are really rare (the B17 was the only one outside the USA) and saying that the B17 is over 70 years old and powered by four 1200 HP Wright R-1820-97 engines, it was surprisingly quiet.


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There are an awful lot of air displays around at the moment.

I was at the Blackpool AirShow on Sunday and Monday this week (absolutely brilliant, and completely free) featuring so many goodies (e.g. a Vulcan on Sunday and a B17 yesterday) - many of these planes are really rare (the B17 was the only one outside the USA) and saying that the B17 is over 70 years old and powered by four 1200 HP Wright R-1820-97 engines, it was surprisingly quiet.


that's the B17 that's based at Duxford I think. Cany remember its name but it doubled for the Memphis Belle a few times

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raf said there was a Hercules flying at the time of the report. The no sound report could appear strange but I once saw a Herc flying low when I was driving on woodhead. It was in the valley and appeared to be flying level with my car. I heard no sound also, maybe some quark of sound being deflected by the valley walls or summat.

Makes sense. I remember as a youngster that I was stood on a hill on our farm and one of these came north up the valley from Chatsworth and flew lower than the hillside down in the valley bottom. It banked round in front of me & was going so slowly it looked like it was almost hovering. I'd forgotten about that.

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