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Let's get this done

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I was thinking about this recently. It feels like Saturday is the culmination of a recovery that’s taken 7 years, ever since the final whistle blowing at Wembley last time. That was the last time I ever felt so enthusiastic, passionate and interested in following Derby. Straight after that whistle, Billy Davies started spouting about his contract and since that moment, my interest dropped off, the club started to implode and the whole city seemed to get trapped in despondency and apathy around a club that seemed to just tread water.


It’s taken until this season, specifically since November when I have started to love and support the club again. Everyone seems to be together, happy and determined to win, and win with style. The club are communicating with the fans, the players seem like genuinely good lads and there is a buzz around the city again.


If we win on Saturday then brilliant, we can enjoy going up and testing ourselves against the Premier League as a club, fanbase and city united together.


If we don’t, it’s been such a cathartic season that I will be possibly even more excited for next season as it will be the fans, the club, the management and the players all pulling together again for promotion.


Whatever happens, it’s been amazing. Let's show the players how much we care, how much we have enjoyed this season and how much noise we can make when we've got a team we want to follow.


Now let’s get down there and f*cking do it.



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No pressure, but the whole future of the club is at stake. The gulf between Premier League and Championship in terms of revenue always used to seem massive - but that was a piffling amount compared to how it's suddenly widening. If we succssfully leap across that chasm as it opens, then I am convinced we wil go from strength to strength. Should we fall at this the final hurdle, who knows how many of our playing and coaching staff will be around to try and do it all again next year, competing with more teams with ever bigger parachute payments. So let's get this done, indeed.


Odd the original post mentions someone called Billy Davies, reminding me of how he was such a likeable chap - wonder where he's working nowadays? :D

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I was seriously considering posting a thread which was, in essence, a dump of a huge collection of data I built up about the playoffs, arguing by use of past survival rates of teams that won the playoffs, "the 4th effect", international standards and norms as well as an all round discussion of what makes a team "worthy" of promotion that the playoffs are in their essence, a good thing not only financially for the league, but also in terms of producing a third competitive team from the Championship each season.

Then I thought, nah...

The situation is clear for us though, we are third, have stormed into the final, are in good form, have a good side and are playing some beautiful football, and have not only the support of our traditional fans behind us, but many of the neutrals. On the other side of the coin is QPR, who seem to be going about... well, spending coin, and have the dreaded 4th position in the league (no team finishing 4th have been promoted since 97-98). It will be a touch team, but if the side are as good as they have looked this season, then they should be up for this challenge.

Win or lose though, it has been a magnificent season, and nobody should forget that. If we can build from this season, no matter the league we're in, then next season should be one to remember as well.

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I'm not sure the outcome of the match will decide the future of the club, but the outcome of the summer certainly will if we don't go up. If we keep our team or reinvest money from sales effectively and keep the manager then we stand as good a chance as we ever have of going up next season. If we don't go up, sell half the team and bring in players who can't measure up, then you may well be right.


Trying not to think about that though, just enjoying reflecting on this season, and hoping it ends with what the likes of Buxton, Forsyth and Bryson deserve - a shot at the PL with us.

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