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Play-off Final: Derby County v Queens Park Rangers


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I see your club have put out a flag on each seat for tomorrow. Hope you have a loud speaker as well.....................Sorry to sound a bit churlish but I am moving to "hostilities" mode!

Have they, or are you confusing that with the Wigan game?


If so, that will make it even more awkward for the all the Derby fans in our end.

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yes all QPR fans get little blue and white flags left on there seats.... WOW,, I hate fake crowd involvement what next david diddy hamilton on the PA trying to stating a mexician wave.


I’m sure the qpr fans didn’t need a fookin flag to support their team at the riverside  or portman  road so why feel the need to have them at Wembley "come rangers fans show you support your team by waving a flag"



Retro bar scarves, now that’s a good idea because football fans have always been associated with scarves but flags no. 


Big blue and white rosettes left over from last night elections would have been better    

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yes all QPR fans get little blue and white flags left on there seats.... WOW,, I hate fake crowd involvement what next david diddy hamilton on the PA trying to stating a mexician wave.

I wouldnt get too upset about it... they probably just kept the bin loads that were dumped after we were last there in 86, which didnt happen by the way ;)


Anyway, as we are going to lose, it will give you so much more enjoyment to gloat at teh plastic fans from teh tinpot club. You should be relishing this, rather than winding yourself up about.


have a beer, its less than 21 hours to go

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ha ha... It is widely accepted on political forums that nothing can be gained from participation on Hilter is brought into the affray. I call it the Hitler defence


On the subject of the flags (and dont get me wrong... I hold a great deal of sympathy for your point of view, but as the opposition, I must defend).... I give you an adulterated Hitler defence...



" what is this a royal wedding or the last night of fookin proms". No, but this is a QPR family event... just think of the children and their day out


(its weak, I know)

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Anyway, as we are going to lose, it will give you so much more enjoyment to gloat at teh plastic fans from teh tinpot club.

Tbf a lot of our mocking is aimed at the sort of QPR folks that are on that other forum.

Neither of us are big clubs now. None of us show up on any radar above the Championship. You think a club as 'big' as Stoke are jealous of either of us? There's only one reason QPR signed some of the players they have had (including Cesar). It's because they heard the going rate for playing for QPR. You can attract has beens and up and coming talent. Just like us if we had Harry and a chairman who wants to be bankrupt for Christmas.

All we have is a stadium and facilities suitable for a higher end English team. That's it. I don't think that scares Man City if I'm honest.

We have the set up

You perhaps don't.

And it counts for nothing until the football matches up.

To Man City we are both tinpot

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No, but this is a QPR family event.

Don’t start me on families at football, when was football ever a family sport?..You use to have the Dads who would stand at the back and send the Boys down the front, everyone was happy the dads could stand with their mates slagging of the ref the team the bosses at work and the prime minster of the time.


And the Boys could pretty much run around not really watching the match but collecting bottle tops and on occasions when out of ear shot of the adults swearing to impress there mates. Lads and Dads having great afternoon out, that was what football was all about.  


Then it all suddenly changed Women started going to matches “Women” sir... who could ever have believed it. That is when football changed, and not for the better.

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I wouldnt get too upset about it... they probably just kept the bin loads that were dumped after we were last there in 86, which didnt happen by the way ;)


Anyway, as we are going to lose, it will give you so much more enjoyment to gloat at teh plastic fans from teh tinpot club. You should be relishing this, rather than winding yourself up about.


have a beer, its less than 21 hours to go


Have to ask, seriously you think you will lose? 

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Bet if you asked any play who he'd rather play for he'd pick the one that pays the most wages or the one going places. Considering that for now we are both expected to be found somewhere between midtable 2nd tier and bottom end top tier it pretty much comes down to money for most players

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@Alpha Signia. I hope to God, when you go, you dont make some of the same mistakes our owners made. To  a manager, our owners  are a dream. Thye know little about football but have the passion. They give them free reign with a cheque book (despite what Harry says), and are impressed by big names... cant deny that I didnt swoon at the idea of some of the players coming to us.


From what I have seen, you have the right blend of youth and a bit of experience. Perhaps it is a season early for you to go up, but no one can choose that. Your manager is one of the best coaches around and I can see him doing reasonably well in the Prem


Our problem: we are almost where you were 5 years ago or so, though I do think Harry (and I am no fan of his, in the slightest) has done a pretty good job or turning things round, aided by the canny acquisition of mac in the summer


Oh... and we have somethings in common... we loathe Stoke too, particularly their fans

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Have to ask, seriously you think you will lose? 

Seriously... no idea. Being a Rs and Norn Iron fan, I am pretty used to it. I would love to win at Wembley. 


I just cant call it. If we play like we did against Wigan, we will win it. We do have Austi and Simpson back in the side, whom we could not call on in Feb.


However, provided your younger players dont freeze, and Mac sets them up to attack ( if he doesnt, I think you team will get worn down by us), I think we are very vulnerable to at the back and will be forced to sit deep (esp if he picks Dunne and Hill). Charlie will be isolated and it could be an uncomfortable afternoon


Why dont you think you can beat us? We have hardly set the championship alight this year!

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Since it was confirmed who we were playing I've been trying to decide whether or not I believe we will win tomorrow. I certainly have the players to cause problems and them momentum and form suggests we are favourites. The bookies don't often get things wrong and they make us fairly strong favourites.

I just hope we get at them early and don't concede first. If we do I think it could be game over. (I don't think I've ever been this pessimistic about anything ever!)

But........ We are super Derby County and I have to believe in us to win. So here goes....... Derby 2-0 QPR. FGS Bryson

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Since it was confirmed who we were playing I've been trying to decide whether or not I believe we will win tomorrow. I certainly have the players to cause problems and them momentum and form suggests we are favourites. The bookies don't often get things wrong and they make us fairly strong favourites.

I just hope we get at them early and don't concede first. If we do I think it could be game over. (I don't think I've ever been this pessimistic about anything ever!)

But........ We are super Derby County and I have to believe in us to win. So here goes....... Derby 2-0 QPR. FGS Bryson

I am not sure you fellow fans fell as strongly as that. If I was to bet (I generally dont), I quite fancy some the odds that seem too far out to be sensible. If QPR are to win, I have a sneaking suspicion it will be coming from behind. I do think it may well be all square at 90. Win within 90 HT/FT Derby/QPR : 33-1 or needing extra time Derby/draw 14-1

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@Great Stuff this Bass. Good retort. Women at football. You probably share my opinion on family areas/stands. The "home" terrace at LR  (Lower Loft) is the family stand... Bonkers....




Back in late 90’s when I was living in Australia I use to attend Perth Glory matches at the Perth Oval and they had an unusual approach to family stands, in as much as they had a no family stand, it was the hill behind one of the goals. Basically if you went in that area you knew anything was fair game they even had notices as you entered to warn you. Drinking, smoking, swearing, offensive language, it all went on and indeed lots of women use to be on hill and if you remember the old chant “get you .... ... for the lads” trust me they very often did.      


I was younger then and maybe now a days it could and should never happen but back in day it was fookin amazing and a part of me would love to see a section like that at somewhere like “the Emirates Stadium

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ha ha. The emirates certainly needs something. I used to go to a bar up near Kings Cross which was packed with Antipodeans... it sounds pretty much Identical.  


We are going to be building a new stadium... Many fans have requested that safe standing is included. For creating an atmosphere at a game, there is nothing much better


Did notice, you have singing areas allocated for teh game tomorrow... Isnt that a bit Manurish?

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