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calorie free drink of the day


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Aspartame is made up of 3 chemicals:


 Aspartic acid:( 40 % of Aspartame)                     

Dr. Russel Blaylock, professor of neurosurgery at University of Mississippi, says aspartic acid and glutamic acid (MSG) are major causes of serious chronic neurological disorders.


 Phenylalanine (50% of Aspartame)                    

  Long term ingestion shown to cause schizophrenia, mood swings and seizures (fits).


Methanol 10% of Aspartame (AKA wood alcohol)

Broken down in the body to form formaldehyde (the same stuff embalmers use) Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin that the body can only excrete very slowly. It is a known cause of blindness, a known carcinogen and a known cause of birth defects.


Now, as a lowly factory worker, I can't prove to you that all the above isn't bullshit, but given that a great many respected doctors and neuro-specialists have expressed grave misgivings about Aspartame's use as a food additive, do you really want to risk the health of those you love by calling these concerns bullshit?

Glutamic acid? Nice. Wonder if I should be on that?

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water only today. Third day of diet and I've lost 3 pounds and gained a lot of boredom.

That'll be all poo.

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