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In Japan...


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Google Facts on Twitter tweeted it, do you read comics whilst on the loo?



Most toilet seats have various buttons on them. Even the ones in homes.


Mine has about 20 buttons all which do different things. There are about 3 heat settings, 5~6 settings for various rim/butthole cleans and others which I have no idea what they do.


All of the baths in Japan are all electronic. Simply push the button and it'll run itself. In 10 minutes, the music will play to notify you and you lie in a square bath in your pre-set temperature.

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Thats lovely.

A thing of beauty.

I was wondering what all the buttons do. And then i thought it doesn't really matter.

You could sit there and enjoy several random experiences.....as it interacts with your bottom.

There will be all sorts of lovely options.

The only thing is i'm left handed, so i'd have to sit facing the other way.

If people found out that i was sitting the wrong way round, would i be shunned as some sort of pervert.

Hopefully they do a left hand model.

You could end up really gripping that arm so i hope it's robust enough to cope.

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Most toilet seats have various buttons on them. Even the ones in homes.

Mine has about 20 buttons all which do different things. There are about 3 heat settings, 5~6 settings for various rim/butthole cleans and others which I have no idea what they do.

All of the baths in Japan are all electronic. Simply push the button and it'll run itself. In 10 minutes, the music will play to notify you and you lie in a square bath in your pre-set temperature.

That bath sounds oreyt to me. Will itadd a dose of bath salts too?

But I don't trust that toilet and the germs round them buttons? Eeew, no ta.

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Lots of those buttons release different kind of odours. Keep on pressing those smelly buttons, mcsilks! Of course you can end up having warm or cold shower to your rectum...You never know what's coming. Just like candies in Harry Potter. Gotta love Japanese toilets :D

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That's why you wash your hands after going to the toilet scruffbag

Still wouldn't fancy touching them buttons. They should work off sensors.
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