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Ever wasted an entire day off work?


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Up bright and early this morning. Off to see my brother who, for reasons best known to himself, has gone to live in that wasteland known as London.

What should have been a quick jaunt down the M1 turned into a three and a half hour grind because a lorry had fallen over somewhere near Kettering, oh hum.

Finally arrived in delightful Barnet and negotiated my way to the right street, It then dawned on me that I couldn't remember what number he lived at (only been there once before).

No problem, I think, I'll give him a call and ask. Cue much searching of pockets and car for phone.

Nope, nada, not there.

Stood about for a bit, feeling decidedly sheepish, knocked on a couple of random doors, no luck.

Decided to call it a day and bugger off home.

Road works  on M1 so my sat-nav redirected me through Northampton and most of that was being dug up.

AGGGH! Got home six hours after setting out having used half a tank of fuel.


Now I've got that off me chest, I think I'll go and have a little cry.

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